Miss Gentile's Third Grade Blog

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January 25, 2014


The start of the third marking period has been a little snowy to say the least! We have been working to fit everything in with our snow days and two hour delays.

Reading: In reading this week, we focused on skills such as sequencing and text structure. Students worked with these skills in small reading groups. On Friday, the third grade took the STAR reading assessment to monitor progress. I’m proud of the students for giving the test their 100% effort!

Writing: Students continue to work on their expository “how to” pieces. Many students are conferencing with peers or me to edit their work. We are preparing for our second writing sample which will take place in a few weeks.

Math: We have started an new unit on fractions. Students are learning about parts of a whole and parts of a set. We worked with the terms numerator and denominator and identified fractions from a picture. Our work with fractions will continue this week. On Thursday, students took the STAR math assessment. Again, I’m so proud of the students work!

Social Studies: Students continue to work on their group presentations using Google Docs. They will be presenting on urban, rural, and suburban communities. In addition to the presentation, students will be writing a five paragraph essay on the same topic.

Odds & Ends:

January 28th- report cards will be sent home

February 5th- early dismissal

February 17th- snow make-up day

February 18th- spring pictures

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Have a wonderful weekend!

Thank you,

Miss Gentile

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