May 16

The Unlucky Fortune Part 2


The Unlucky Fortune Part 2

If you haven’t read The Unlucky Fortune please read that before you read this story or you will be very confused. Thanks!!! Please Leave a comment.


As the three of them faded into the darkness, I didn’t know what to do. So doing what I knew I shouldn’t have done, I chased after the worst villain in town. But when I did, Izzabella ran  out of the dark alley and freely walked away with my friends. She left a note that read “Here’s my address 8308 Locus Road, come and get them.” So I called a taxi and off I went. It came to an abrupt stop. I quickly hopped out as the taxi sped off and the driver yelled “ You are at great risk entering that property. Bye!!” He said in great fright. I entered the rickety house with caution.


The floor above creaked so I assumed that they were up there. There was a note on her door. It said “Go to Haywire Avenue if you want to see your friends again.” “Her and the notes.” I mumbled. So I went to Haywire Avenue and I told her,straight to her face “If you want my fortune come to the park at noon tomorrow,” She said,“ I’ll be there. But give me one good reason why you can’t give it to me now.” “I have things to do. See you at noon tomorrow. It has to be a swap for my friends though, ok Izabella?” She had to say yes to my huge fortune. So I left with certainty.


But with my time I called the cops and told them where she would be. They said they’d be in the bushes and trees all around me were members of the police. She arrived and was finally there waiting. So at noon I was standing there waiting for the best moment of my life. And hiding put into jail by Mr.Rodgers. I grabbed my friends and ran off to the hotel I was staying at. We decided that we couldn’t just live in a hotel, so we were gonna stay there for two more months until we could go to my dad. He hadn’t seen us in like a week and he was probably worried sick.


I got a text from Izabella that said “Don’t be too confident, you got away from me. I am coming for you as soon as I break out of jail. See you again Jackson.”

To Be Continued…

Posted May 16, 2017 by keeport016 in category Uncategorized

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