May 26

Alien Visitor Free Write

Hey, Floozar… I see something over there toward the sun. Wow, Karzoompa, how did you see that? That doesn’t matter, let’s just go fly past and see what there is on this undiscovered planet. Alright, Karzoompa. Wow! Are those… hu, hu, HUMANS? Maybe. I’ve never seen one before so I can’t quite answer that. But Karzoompa, they only have 2 legs, and we have… wait, how many do we have? I don’t know. It’s not like I count my legs everyday. Ok, karzoompa, let’s fly in closer to get a better look. Hey, I see some extremely large sleeping pods with straight roofs. Wow. I’ve never see a sleeping pod that big before. Floozar, can you zoom in to the clear walls? Sure. Well, what do you see? Hold on, hold on. Wait! I see lots of food, Twinkies to be specific. And more humans are inside. There are also lights but they are not wireless. What, Floozar?!?! They are electrical lights? Probably. But how do they live with those tangled up wires? I don’t know Floozar. Ummm, Karzoompa. Yes, Floozar? I see some rompoovars (Flying saucers) but they are not in the air. How could that be possible? How about we fly over to the planet and ask some hu, hu, humans how this is all possible. Ummm, Floozar, I don’t… Karzoompa, don’t be afraid, let’s just do it and see what happens. Ok, Floozar. But if this goes wrong, I’m blaming it on you. Alright. Zoom! Ahhhhh! Mount Function- Mount Function. Whhaaattss haappeenniinngg, Kaarrzzoommppaa?!?! I donntt kknnooww! Hoolldd onn, I wiill puutt onn auuttoo piilloott! Swoosh! Thanks, Karzoompa. Of course! Floozar, We are only 5,638 years old, and I didn’t want to die this early.

May 20

How does visual information help the reader to understand scientific and technical texts?

How does visual information help the reader to understand scientific and technical texts?


In this paragraph, I will be explaining how to understand scientific text using visual information. First of all, I want to clarify that scientific text is text that is mainly found in scientific books and contains scientific meanings and words. To understand scientific text using visual information, you could look at pictures or use context clues. Context clues would be the best option because it’s easier to look back and understand other parts of the text.


In this paragraph, I will be explaining how to understand technical text using visual information. Technical text is text that does not use any humor and keeps it in a formal voice. This could be found in a dictionary or in a textbook. You can understand technical text by also using context clues. When you use context clues to understand technical text, you could find examples of what the author is trying to explain but in an easier way to understand.

May 16

No. Stars Chap. 1-5 Prompt

No. Stars Chap. 1-5 Prompt

Noah: Italics

Kyle: Bold


I think that when the kids ran into the Nazi guards, Annmarie was affected because she never saw guards before. When she did, they weren’t friendly at all, in fact, they yelled at them. I think this because if I were annmarie, I would be afraid of the guards too.


By making her scared of the Nazis and whatever they were doing. The guards also affect her by helping her know more what’s happening around her. She was also affected by them trying to trick their parents by asking them if it’s her new year and they said no. It also made her fear for her friend Ellen.


She was also affected because if the guards found out that they were Jews, they would be in big trouble. If they knew that they would get in trouble, they would be very scared and it would affect her whole life. She was also affected by telling herself that she wouldn’t put another person’s life in front of her own. Overall, these were our ideas on why Annmarie was affected.

May 16

Blog Challenge Week 6, Activity 1: Food, Songs, Clothing.

Blog Challenge Week 5, Activity 1: Food, Songs, Clothing.


For the blog challenge week 6, activity 1, I thought I would do a post about the top food, song, and clothing brand in the US.


Top food in the US: Twinkies. You may know these as the super synthetic, likely non-biodegradable cake snacks — the ones with a shelf life spanning years, if not decades (okay, maybe just 45 days.) According to Hostess Cakes, the goodie was invented by bakery manager Jimmy Dewer in 1930. En route to giving a presentation on his idea, Dewer saw a billboard for Twinkle Toe Shoes. With that, the adorable name — and the tasty treat to go with it – was born.


Top Song in the US: Panda, by Desiigner. Many people know this song as a dance song. It is rap, hip-hop and there is a special dance for this that takes a lot of practice. You can find videos of people dancing to this song by searching “Panda dance” on Youtube.


Top Clothing Brand in the US: Nike. Everybody from around the world knows what Nike is. They make all types of clothing and sports equipment. They also own Jordans. Here are some thoughts that people have about Nike:

“Nike is the best. Straight up they make everything! And they own air Jordan.”

“They are amazing. I have loads of pairs.”

“Nike is the best. I have a bunch of shoes they rock. Everybody loves Nike

“The shoes, windbreakers, headbands, and just everything [is amazing]”


I hope you all  enjoyed my top food, song, and clothing brand prompt.


April 27

Blog Challenge Week 5, Activity 1: Creative Commons Licences

Blog Challenge Week 5, Activity 1: Creative Commons Licences


I learned from the video that you can copyright your work, but that means no one can edit, change, or sell your work. If you use Creative Commons you can choose what rules you want to apply to your work. Some of the rules you can apply to your work are Freeing content globally without restrictions, Attribution + Noncommercial, Attribution + ShareAlike. There are many more too.


April 5

Free Write 4/1/16: What it’s like as a raindrop traveling through the water cycle

Free Write 4/1/16: What it’s like as a raindrop traveling through the water cycle.


As a raindrop, live is very boring. I basically get formed in the sky, fall on the ground (yeah, it hurts), and then get burnt by the sun (yeah, that hurts too). The only exciting part about being a raindrop is falling out of the sky. It’s kind of scary, but it’s the best I’ll ever get. That’s about all there is to it. So whatever you are, be glad you are not a raindrop.

April 4

Week 4, Activity 3 Blog Challenge: Tourist Attractions

Week 4, Activity 3 Blog Challenge: Tourist Attractions


Hi. I live in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA. I would like to list some of the main tourist attractions in my area. These attractions are fun for the whole family and would be great for a day of fun. I have been to each of these places and would definitely recommend traveling here.

  • Lancaster county farm land: A general tourist attraction in Lancaster County would be the farm land. Many people stop at the side of the road just to take a couple pictures of the farmland from summer to winter. In my opinion, spring is the best time to visit because the fields are clean and are being prepared to start farming, but not filled up with crops yet.


  • Intercourse: Intercourse has many shops, wineries, camping spots, and many Lancaster County styled cooking restaurants. Many people from outside the state travel to Pennsylvania just to come to Intercourse. They also have a wide population of Amish civilians and are most likely to be riding in their horse-and-buggies or on their scooters. If you do travel to Lancaster County in general, make sure you don’t take any pictures of the Amish though, for it is against their religion.
  • Dutch Wonderland: Dutch Wonderland is a family based theme park but mainly for younger children. I would always go there when I was a young child and LOVED it. They are only open in the late spring, summer, and part of the fall.

I hope you enjoyed my blog challenge about some of the tourist attractions in my area (Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA). I would definitely recommend going to these places because it is a lot of fun at these places.

March 22

Free Write 3/18… What happens when you climb Jack’s Beanstalk, find a castle, and a Giant sees you?

 “Wow! This cloud castle is amazing!” “Fi, fy, fo, fum.” “Oh no! The giant must have heard me!” I started running and after a few minutes I was pretty sure I escaped the giant. I turned my head to see if he was behind me. “Whew.” I started to walk in the direction while I was escaping and I heard a rustling noise in the cloud bush next to me. I went over to investigate but I heard the same noise in the other cloud bush next to me. I thought I was just hearing things so kept on walking. As I close to the nearest cloud village, I heard the noise coming out of a cloud tree in one of the cloud houses yard. I had to go check it out this time. I went over and pulled the cloud leaf things and… “BAM!” A few hours later (that seemed like days) I woke up on a table and saw a bunch of giants standing around me but facing the other way. I sneaked under one of the giants and somehow managed to escape. I quickly climbed down the beanstalk and ran home to see my family. “Cockldoodledoo!” I woke up and saw my mom walk in my room and she said, “Good morning, sunshine! Here are some beans I want you to plant before you go to school and if you’re lucky, it might grow a beanstalk like in that book.” “You know, Mom, could you please ask dad, I’m just not in the mood.”

                                                                                                         The End

March 18

How can drama help you better understand the feelings and viewpoints of characters?

Will: Italicized

Noah: Bold


Drama can express the character’s feelings more fluently. Another reason why it can help is by it helps us better understand what is going on. It also helps us understand what character view it is. Those are the reasons how drama can help us better understand the feelings and viewpoints of characters.

One reason why drama can help us better understand the feelings and viewpoints of characters by it can express the character’s feelings more fluently. Instead having a confusing character with confusing feelings you can bring drama in. Drama expresses a bunch of feelings and it can help better understand them more. Since drama is sometimes in plays the audience has a better understanding from their facial emotions. Drama can also help us better understand what is going on in the story. Like I said since drama is in plays people watching the play can tell what is going on by their facial expressions and what they are doing on stage. Also drama can help us understand the view or who the character is. The view of the character is really important that is why drama has it. Drama can tell you who is talking or you can look at the person on stage (if you are watching a play) and see if they are talking or not.

How can drama help us better understand the feelings and viewpoints of characters? I hope we just answered your question. One reason why is it can express the character’s feelings more fluently. Another reason is it helps us understand what is going on more fluently. Lastly it helps us understand what character view it is. That is how drama can help us better understand the feelings and viewpoints of characters.

DSC_8002.jpg Wes A via Compfight

March 15

Seeds that could grow anything?? Hmmm, what would I grow?

If I found a pack o seeds that could grow anything, I would grow an iPhone 6s. I would grow this because it would be a huge upgrade from what I have now and I’m a big Apple fan. I would also grow an Xbox 1 if I could grow multiple things. I would grow this because that would also be an upgrade from the Xbox 360. I chose both of these because they would be very nice to have but I don’t necessarily need them. What would you grow if you got a pack of seeds that grow anything?