March 24

What I Think About Kids Watching Too Much Tv

My answer is TV is bad for kids if they watch too much. I say this because most kids these days are too busy watching TV instead of play outside or making something. I think it is important for kids to have fun there is lots of things kids can do I think that kids can do so much but they want to watch TV.

I also think that tv is bad for kids to watch too much tv is they get in a habit of doing it every day and then it is hard to get your kids outside because they want to watch tv. If you watch too much tv or play too many video games then you can get a habit, and if your child is not in school and they get in the habit of watching tv it will be harder when they get in school.

You know the saying tv will rot your brain that is not true but it is bad for your brain it can hurt your brain cells. I think that parents should put times on TV I am allowed to watch TV after I finish my homework but I do other things instead. I like to work on stories at home so I do things at school and at home.

I think that tv is not the best but there are other things like tv that are bad too. But tv is not good if you watch too much because there are so many reasons but this is three I hope that you naw know why I think tv is bad if you watch too much.

Posted March 24, 2017 by jodonebb in category Uncategorized

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