Matter Experiments

Ms. Lauffer has been teaching our newest Inquiry Unit on Physical Science. During this week’s lessons we explored how states of matter can change if you add or remove heat.

First we experimented with adding heat to solids to see if they change their state of matter.  We used a double boiler to add heat to a marshmallow, life saver, and a chocolate candy.  The chocolate melted quickly, the marshmallow got sticky and the life saver got smoother as it started to melt. We concluded that with enough heat, most solids would change to liquid.


Next, we predicted what would happen if we put liquid (water and pink lemonade) in the fridge and freezer. Then we observed and recorded our results.  We predicted that the liquid in the freezer would change to a solid, so we poured lemonade into dixie cups with popsicle sticks in the hopes of making popsicles. We were excited to eat our results!



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