Marine Ecologist

              Marine ecologists try to understand different species and the environment as well as how humans affect marine life by doing field work, data analysis, and math. Marine ecologists get to stomp around, scuba dive, ride in boats, and put tags on fish. About 20 percent of a marine ecologists job is to prepare for field work and going out to do field work the rest of the time they working on their computers. Marine ecologists use new technology like GPS radio tags to figure out where the fish are what they are doing and how they react to human actions. These are some of the responsibilities that a marine ecologist has.  

Being a Leaf is Dangerous

                       It is fall and being a leaf is dangerous. In fall the wind is almost constantly blowing which makes it really hard to stay up in the tree. It is also hard because my body is changing. It is changing color size and I am getting weaker it is almost like my landlord (tree) is trying to get rid of me. I just couldn’t take it anymore so I decided that I would leave so I fell out of the tree and onto the ground where it was strangely warm. But the danger didn’t stop there I think that the ground was even more dangerous than the mean landlord. But I had no idea what was going to happen. When I say the ground was dangerous I mean the ground was dangerous. These giant things would come out here all upset and use these poky thing to group us on to this big pile with a lot of other leaves. Then they would either put us in bags and have this big moving thing take us away or put us on a big pile of garbage a let us rot. But luckily I had blown into this big yard and nobody was there but i saw what happened to all the other leaves out there it made me happy that I wasn’t one of them. I didn’t know idea what would happen to me but I would find out eventually.

Hatchet Next Step

In the story hatchet the part of the story that we read was when he was in the plane crashed. He was on the plane with a man that was having a heart attack and Brian was having flashbacks of his life. When the man had his heart attack he moved of course and went to sleep and wouldn’t wake up. Brian had to fly the plane even though he was running out of gas and losing altitude he had to land the plane. So he was trying to find a good spot but it was all trees. Then the plane crashed into a lake and the plane began to sink. Brian struggled but finally got free and swam to shore. Then he fell asleep. When he woke up he was in so much pain that he could barely move but he got himself to a tree. Then a swarm of mosquitoes came and covered him in them. What felt like a minute to him they were gone. Finally he got up and looked around.

I  think that the next step for him would to build a fire. I also think that after he builds the fire and heals a little that he could build or find a place to rest. While he is searching for shelter he could also search for food to eat so he can hear faster.

A Turkey’s Story (A Short Story)

Grandma Patty took me home from the grocery store just a few hours ago.  I’m wrapped in white plastic, barely able to breathe. Now I’m sitting on the kitchen table waiting for grandma patty to clear room in the refrigerator.  Soft footsteps make their way into the room where I’m kept captive in my tight white plastic.

I watched silently (because I mean, I’m DEAD) as the old woman took out can after can  out of the fridge. Soon enough she slowly picked me up and stuffed me into the cold chamber.  This is where I’m assuming I will wait that wrinkly old lady takes me out. But who know where I will go after that.

Hours pass, as I start to become squishy.  Not exactly like when I was alive, but it’ll do for now.  But then the refrigerator doors creak open. And to my horror I see Grandma Patty with cooking mitts over her aged hands.  She takes me out of my plastic casing and lays me on a cold pan. I get scrubbed with a prickly thing and drowns me in seasoning.  Into this hot sauna I’m shoved and the door slams shut. My skin soon starts to burn and tan. I’m overheating! Get me out of here!


By: The Amazing Saraiah and Summer