The key


Posted by hooverbes | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 21, 2018

Once upon a time there was a lost key and it belonged to Jose. Jose lost the key when he was climbing through the mud of the marsh. The marsh was a home to many animals. When Jose was was walking in the marsh he tripped and that is how the key ended up on the ground.

One day a traveler named Michael found the key ” what is this”, he wondered he put the key in his backpack. After a few minutes of walking the key in Michaels backpack started glowing. “What’s happening”, he thought. The key was moving in Michaels hands when he picked it up it was pointing north so that is the way Michael went.


After awhile Michael arrived at a cliff so he started to climb it “This is hard work”, he told himself. When michael got to the top he saw a pond called the pond of youth.He dived in and found a keyhole and unlocked it. Michael freed a magician named, Jeff from behind the keyhole “Thank you for freeing me” ,said Jeff. “For freeing me I will give you on wish. “Please heal my mother and help my family and my father to not be poor”,whispered Michael. When Michael arrived home his mother was well and his siblings were not hungry, because of his wish.

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