Would you visit Siberia?

I say no! To be going to Siberia because When you go there it can be like really really cold.So cold that you can get a frostbite and eyelashes can freeze.The food that you eat can be raw and the only meat really is horse meat.They do have soups but they are cold soups.I would not want to go because of the coldness and everything else.The coldnesssome number degrees. You would also have to wear really nice clothing but would be still a little cold.In a article I read there was 500 people that live there in that time.

This entry was posted on March 6, 2018. 1 Comment

Weekly summery


At derek instruction we read “LAyer after Layer”sedimentary Rock”. When you walk on the walk on the beach for say. There are lots of Layers onder you like sometimes you can feel rock because it is mixed into the sand.There is One Layer where you can feel Some rock like floating around.The second Layer has sand but you can dig and you will start to see the second Layer of rocks in the sand.Also about the second Layer of rocks the rocks are more together than apart than the first Layer.At independent I left to go to lessons.I was not here for collaboration.



At derek instruction we read an article about rocks and the cycle.At independent I did an article called What a zoo! And got an 75% on my first try and a 88% on my second try.When I was done I did another article called  Stealing zoo animals and got an 88% on my first try and a 100% on my second try.At collaboration me and my partner well I made my searching that i did.And he did his own.



We did not do rotana sons we did star test.


At derek instruction we read an article.About pterodactyl and that they are not dinosaurs and they have a really small tail or no tail at all. At independent I did an article called Hope Blooms in the desert and got a 100% on my first try and a 100% on my second try.After I did a article that I did not get  to read much and do the question but the articles name was The whale Watches. At collaboration me and my partner did an article called Found: Dinosaur we both on our first try got an 75%  on our first try and I got 100%  on my second try and my partner got 88% on his second try.



At derek instrion the group and me read an article about T-rex.We learned that Scientist want to now still on how a T-rex ate.and we also learned that T-rexes legs are no use so there tail is like getting smaller and smaller.At independent  I did my spelling test and got all of than right.one word was “knack”.At collaboration me and my partner rad different article but for the questions we had different ones so we compared than and we both succeeded.

Welcome to Merland chapter 1

¨sister you have bin in the shower for like 3 hours¨said a mermaid named ash.Ash was about 16 years old and she has a boyfriends and is soon going to turn 17 years old.But that is like in 2 months.My name is April I am also a mermaid and I am the one who’s in the shower that long.

When I got out Ash was really mad at me for being in there for a long time .But she was also really happy to because I finally got out of the shower.When I got dressed than I went outside and when I mean outside I mean like water because I am a mermaid I live in the ocean.

When I got outside I went to hang out with my friend.But my friend alea said that she could not play with me today.So I went home and Since I am 13 years old my mom went to our neighbors house to do some things.

When I sat down on the couch I had my diary called My life so I started to write.Dear.Diary Today my sister got mad and happy because of the shower .Also when I was son in the shower I went to ask if my friend alea wanted to play but she could not today.So right now at about 2:56pm I am writing this stuff down.

At about 5:32 pm my mom Sara had dinner out and she said that daddy Is staying with a friend to play poker.

¨what’s for dinner mom¨ I said.Mom told me that we were going to have crab legs today.

After dinner at 9:43pm I said good night and went to bed.

why I think recesss should be mandatory

Why I think that recess should be mandatory


It’s the time of day where at school we have a choice to go outside a play or stay inside and work on some things that we have to do .Or just think and learn a little more on things we have to do in class maybe.But that’s when I have to make a decision.Making a decision can be really hard for me.But when I do not have to come in for recess I think that I should go outside.Going outside is better than staying indoors.

When you are inside you could read a book,color,or maybe go and play chess if there is someone else.One,reason why people should go outside is when they have that chance is because you can hang out with your friends.For example your friends might say that we can play but when you go outside your friend wants to play with you and another girl you do not know?You can make friends and hang out with then and become friends all together.

Another reason why people should go outside instead of staying inside is things you can play with.For example if you are all by yourself you can see if you can find a ball and can play basketball and football and many more.You can also bring a book to come with you and just wait somewhere and you can read your book.You can also bring some paper and a pencil so that maybe you can draw a picture or write some notes of somethings that is happening.

Also another reason is that say you are on the black top and you are with a friend or friends.You can use your Imagination and think that maybe you are in a casle.You can also do this Imagination on a playset if you have a playset at your recess part.You can also use you Imagininon with your friends that maybe you are hanging out with a recess.For example say you are with a friends and you like horses and your friend like farm so there is a horse.You guys can pretend that you are riding horses or like in a race.

There is always a choice for when you are recess that you could stay inside and do some more work or can go outside.And when you go outside you can use you Imaginishion,and things you can play with and even play with friends or people.Maybe next time you can make that choice and do what you want and make your decision to go outside or stay inside.

This entry was posted on February 15, 2018. 2 Comments

weekly summery


Today we had a 2 hour delay and then we did not have anything but launch recess math and special.


At derek instruction as a group we read about some landform.At independent I finished an Article that we had to do.At collaboration me and my partner learned about plaines,forest and a little about mountains.


No School


At derek instrion the group cept reading about landforms.At independen I did and Article but did not finish it.I only have to do the questions. At collaboration I got some more on WETLANDS than me and my partner read about rain forest and learned a lot.On wetlands I got like “very wet and soggy”.



At derek insertion the group finished the book that we had to read and write what the teacher told us to write about.At independent I finished my spelling test and go a 100%.I started the Article on achieve but didn’t get to finish it. At collaboration me and my partner did more on landform and are reading an Article called RAINFOREST:WHERE ARE RAIN FOREST on info bites.we highlighted some Article.

weekly summery


At derek instrion I did some R.A.C.E.R on a new article.At independent I did not finish the Article that we were supposed to do.but I really tried to do it .At collaboration me and my partner learned some words like FUNDING.


At derek insertion my group did THE WHY OF WEATHER:RAIN.At independent I did some of a pretest and could not finish it because i did not have enough time to finish the pretest.If I finished I were to do raz kids.For the pretest I got to number seven.At collaboration me and my partner finished the words that we had to find out like “drinkable” was one of our words.We wore going to read the Article that we had to read but we did not have enough time to start reading it.


At derek insertion my group read a story about rain.And learned how just to do A in R.A.C.E.R.At independent I finished a article about frogs and why they are endangered and how they are saving themselves and not having the people help save then.At collaboration me and my partner finished the article and then the questions like.”WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE DRINKING WATER”.When we finished that we started a GOOGLE DOCS and started to write an opinion.


At derek instrion my group did weather about CLIMATES and we learned many kinds and if they can be apart of the U.S.A or if they can not.At independent I finished my test that I had to finish and got a little started  on not the test but the next activity. With the activity I learned that how you can get information things from a text.At collaboration I started  my opinion thing about st.louis.Also my partner was doing their opinion about St.louis.


At derek insertion we did reading where we all read a piece.and started writing a good answer.At independent I did y spelling test and got  a 95% because I got HALT and thought it was HOULT.At collaboration we had a teacher came in and told us about a thing that we can go on.

Which is better.Movies or books.

I think that you can read a book and it is better than movies.One,when you read a book but you really wanted to see a movie you can just look for the book that comes out bastoff of the movie.Also sometimes there is no time to go watch a movie because maybe you have something that you need to do like school.

You can bring that book to school to read in like reading class and maybe on the bus.

If you like movies because they have those pictures.Than when you get a book you try to find and book that has some pictures that has some pieces of that movie you wanted to watch.

That is why i think that books are better than movies.

weekly summery


No School



At derek instrion I did more and read about A TON OF TRASH .At independent I read about how the arctic is getting warmer on Achieve I got 75% on my first try and 75% on my second try. Also  a little bit of changing money in a different place.At collar orion me and my partner did a lot more on about recycling.



At derek instion I did more on A TON OF TRASH and did R.A.C.E.R.At independent I did and article about a 70 year old youtube star.And she shows her body on the outside and she also .And this whole week I finished two and a half Articles.At collaboration me and my partner did more on why you should recycle  because it can save animals the environment and many more if you don’t recycle



At derek insertion me and everyone else read about A TON OF TRASH and did R.A.C.E.R.At independent I read a story and did the Quiz.The book was called LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD.and got 100% on the Quiz and did good with in the.At collaboration me and my partner said something about why you should recycle trash and other things.



At derek instrion i did more on a ton of trash.At independent I did razkids.At collaboration I did why you should recycle.

The day of no school

Wake up girl it’s time for school tina . I said wake up!!! What do you want mom!! You need to go to school now.


I can’t I am really sick!Oh no don’t you have that test at school today said mom.”don’t worry mom I can Just take the test tomorrow.


My mom was determined to get me up, So she ripped the covers off.Slowly, I realized my “sick “ day was not happening  and I went to get dressed.


”Guess I have to take my test in my math class today” I mumbled as I stumbled downstairs and did not really want to take the test but then school was canceled and so I thought I can take a little nap.


The snow princess and the snow King

It was morning and a girl named samantha did not like staying at the village so she  
thought she could go on the other side of the wall.On the 2nd day samantha got over the other side than in her village there was a team race but when the whistle blow.Samantha heard that then there started to be a avalanche and  samantha was covered in a lot of snow


 When the snow cleared Samantha was not there she was turned into a southern fur seal no did not know what had happened.” He He He as the whistle I got samantha to turn into a southern fur seal. With my magic”.”Where is my necklace said samantha It has to be somewhere in all this snow”.


 “Did you hear something?”said the king “no I did not” said Cark.I should go look just to see what was going on.Ok? Said Clark.I better see what is going on.on the other side of the wall.Ok said Clak.When Carson got on the other side he saw something it was a necklace in the middle of the snow forest.He wondered what? Why? Why is this hear.


 Hello Hello said samantha is someone here.I Am said King carson.thank you can you help me.Sure?.”I need you to get me the sundrop it is really hard to get can you do it for me?”. “No said king carson.”So samantha the southern fur seal was turned like that forever.


       The end