April 4

genius hour

for genius hour I am doing crafting and my topic doesn’t have too much research involved, but it does have trial and error that comes with learning a new skill. I am working on finding a day when I can get all of my cutting done and get to making the main parts, I will need around 40 rolled paper flowers and those will take a while to cut out. I am exited to start rolling them and getting into my project, but this project will take a bit of  time to get all of the paper flowers rolled, so I  will probably get overwhelmed, but I am ready for the challenge

September 12

About Me

Madisyn Hoffnagle      

About Me


My full name is Madisyn. My birthday is June 7th ,2007. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters(one of those sisters is coming in January) I have a few pets because i go to my grandmas and my moms on a regular basis so i think of  them as my pets, they are lucy, charlotte, boaz,onyx,z,and milo. My hobbies are breeding pigeons, swimming,and drawing. My favorite subject is math. My least favorite subject is science. The skill I am best at is drawing,and also getting the dogs in my house. I do a little dog-call that always gets them in. the skill I struggle with is science. Three things i love are chinese food, my family,and my pets. Three things i fear are wasps,having more than 6 siblings, and,nightmares where you realize it is a nightmare and it feels like you can’t wake up. If my family were a noise it would sound like the city x30. If the world were made of food,it would taste like lettuce with salt and a hint of sugar. If i could meet 3 people from the past i would meet my grandpa’s dad,and my maw-maw’s mom and dad. The animal I most resemble now is a unicorn;)The smell that best describes my home is probably old hamburger helper,but my room smells like my air refreshener (tide) if i could have anything i wanted i would have a laptop(at home) the thing i would change in this world is how everyone sees each other,i feel that people don’t accept people for who they are. If i could live anywhere i liked, i would live in a mansion in florida.at this point i would rate my life a:

      A B      C D      F

The most important thing my teacher should know about me is: I dont like to be the center of attention.


  This is all the stuff you should know about me.