Adventures in Candy Land Chapter 5

              Adventures in Candy Land Chapter 5

The New Recruit

If you haven’t read chapter’s 1-4 you should read them before you read this chapter.


I don’t know about that because it’s too dangerous,” said Mammoth.  “He’ll keep attacking us until we’re not alive but dead, so we might as well keep looking for clues,” said Joe.  “Fine,” said Mammoth.  Then they started running to the candy house of clues but when they were halfway there they saw something moving in the distance suddenly they stopped.


They started creeping up on it until they saw the gigantic thing.  Then Joe accidently stepped on it’s tail and it turned around.  “DRAGON!,” yelled Joe, and they were off in a jiffy.  The Dragon started chasing them, and they were running as fast as could but the dragon was also running as fast as it could too they noticed they were ahead of the dragon by a lot.  Then they heard it making a loud noise.  They stopped and noticed that the dragon was bleeding.  They went back to help it and they noticed he got shot they pulled the bullet out and saw a symbol that had a piece of Licorice.  “Lord Licorice must have shot him,” said Joe.  They healed him by finding pieces of sticky candy because he is made out of candy and put it in the cut and  then they saw a gem on its head and they found a necklace and Mammoth  sent him off but what they didn’t notice was Lord Licorice in a tree in the distance.  


When they got to the candy house of clues they opened the door and saw somebody just standing there.  (Lord Licorice didn’t know about this person).  “Hi, what’s your name,” said Joe.  “My name is Jake.”  “Hi Jake, what are you doing here?”  Said Mammoth.  “I’m looking for clues and trying to defeat Lord Licorice,” said Jake.  “We are too,” said Joe.  “Do you want to help us,” said Mammoth.  “Sure,” said Jake.  “ I found a flashlight that has a symbol on it it looks like a door,” said Jake.  “Maybe we could shine all of the flashlights in 1 place and it will give us a big clue.


They shined all of the flashlights on a flat wall and there came a huge map.  “I wonder what it means,” said Joe.  “Whatever it means we should figure it out because there will be a good clue on where it leads,” said Mammoth. “Look the symbols on the flashlights are on the map and they lead to certain destinations.” Said Jake.  “They are in order in which we found them,” said Mammoth.  “Yeah, first we found a piece of licorice.  Joe was interrupted by Mammoth saying, we already found the destination of the piece of licorice, and we already used the other flashlight but we didn’t use the flashlight with the door on it so the map must lead to a door, but where is the door that the map is trying to lead us to?”  Said Mammoth. “We’re on the maps path right now,” said Jake.


They kept following the map until they were so close to the door that they thought it was right in front of them.  “Look, there is a lever on the wall,”said Mammoth.  They knocked on the door and there was no answer so they went in and immediately the door shuts behind them and it was locked and a millisecond later lights turn on and they jumped to their feet.
To be continued…

1 Thought.

  1. Hi Ryder
    I wrote a post about you because your blog is my favourite blog so just keep adding posts and I’ll read them.
    From Archie

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