A Dollar A Difference

“It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.” –Tom Brokaw, NBC NewsDollar, Money, Cash Money, Business


  1. 1.What does the quote mean to me?I disagree with the quote because.I think that it is harder to make a buck and easier to make a difference.
  2. Do you think that it’s more important to make money or make a difference in the world?sometimes its more important to make money and sometimes its more important to make a difference.
  3.   Who cares more about money, rich people or poor people?I think poor people care about money more.Because they need it and if they got some they would be really careful with spending it.
  4. What are some easy ways to make money?You can help someone out like mowing there lawn or cleaning there car.Also another good way to make money is to have a lemonade stand or  a bake sale.                                                                                                                                             

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