Hi guys welcome back today I am starting with my crazy tornado story.Now let’s set the scene.Me and my brother were at a retreat up in the mountains. We were having a great time until they called for suaver thunder storms.At the time I was on the zip lines and they called every one inside.

Write when I got of it started raining really hard and hailing.It also started to get really windy.Out of no where the power went of and we where all scared.It was are first day there and when we got there we put are bags in a open pavilion and left them there all day.They decided that we needed to get our bags so we got in a van and went up to the pavilion.

when we got there the storm got worse and they where calling for inclement weather.So we got out of the van and proceed to get our bags.At that time the winds went insane and the van door shut.then write next to us a tree fell so we huddled up in a corner of a OPEN PAVILION.We also through our bags on us.

We could see the tornado,I started to cry a little.Because I thought something bad was going to happen.Then they got the door open and we got in.The van next to us fell down the hill.But they were all OK,they had to get a firetruck to pull them out.

We drove back to our cabin and the whole outside flooded like crazy.It was like a giant swimming of the cabin the roof was falling apart but we where OK. The rest of the week we help fix the mountain resort we where at.The zip lines where down ,some cabins were torn apart and there where trees and deb re every where.

So that’s the end of my first CRAZY story.Thanks for listening,Make sure you read my second story.It’s just as crazy. COMMENT if you have any crazy stories BYE – ANDREW

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