My favorite family member!!!

Who is your most important family member?

That is a very hard question because I love all my family very much.But if I had to choose I would choose my Grandma.

What memories do you have with them?

My favorite memory is when my grandma took me and my brother to Jacksonville Florida it was great.We got to see are cousins and went to some pretty cool museums.Also when we where there we went to Daytona beach and stayed at a beach front home.That is a memory I will never forget.Also I have memories of going to her house for a family Christmas sleep over it is always fun we do it every year.

What are some traits they have that you hope you will have?

I hope I am as nice and caring as her,also as giving and loving.

What makes them such an incredible person?

She is very giving and loves are family so much she is very caring.


Comment Who you think is your favorite family member and Why?


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