My Perfect Day!!!

I have always waited for my perfect day.My perfect day will be when I go to Disney World and Universal Studios. I think it will be one of the best days of my life.I can just imagine the fun I would have there.Here’s how my perfect day will go.I will wake up on a beautiful day and pack up my stuff and leave.We will drive through a lot of cool states and when we get there I will be so exited.We will unpack at a resort in the park and head right to the castle.I will take lots of pictures and ride lots of rides at the end of the day we will watch the fire works and then go to Universal.There we will do the same thing and then head home.That will be the best day of my life.I will be so exited when we actually go,I cant wait!!!!  

One thought on “My Perfect Day!!!

  1. Hi Andrew!
    Star: I like that you put what you would do.
    Wish: I wish you put where it is.
    Wonder: I wonder if your actually going there?
    -Karis 🙂

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