Banning Weapons…..Yes Or No?

   Mass shooting in Las Vegas claims lives of 59 people, 527 injured

 LAS VEGAS, Nevada — On Sunday night, a gunman perched on the 32nd floor of a Las Vegas casino unleashed a torrent of bullets on an outdoor country music festival. He killed 59 people as and tens of thousands of concertgoers screamed and ran for their lives, officials said Monday. It was the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

I think that we should ban weapons.Because they are a very dangerous thing.If we banned weapons then stuff like this would not happen.Hundreds of people dye every year because of weapons. weather it’s murder or shootings like this if we banned weapons I can guaranty that half of the world wide deaths will stop.Also we can save more animals,I dislike hunters because I don’t think it is fun to shoot animals just because.banning weapons would be a game changing idea.

One thought on “Banning Weapons…..Yes Or No?

  1. I like that you express many of the opinions that you have about this. I wish that you would have explained how you know that if we banned automatic weapons, half of the worlds deaths would stop. I wonder why you don’t like the people that hunt.

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