What would America be like without the voting system?

Tyler Ma: italic Adam: normal

What would America be like without the voting system?

Today Me and Adam are going to talk about “What would America be like without the voting system.” This writing prompt is going to be better than better. The word will go crazy without voting. Here about it right now.


I think the world will go crazy, because if you don’t vote then there will be this dumb president that doesn’t know what he is doing. I’m pretty sure he will have no experience over presentational ideas. He will make really terrible laws that nobody likes, because people couldn’t vote for a president that they like and trust. It will also not be far for the other people that are running for president, because since nobody voted they don’t know who they would choose. So they would just pick from a hat and just by chance this guy that has no experience is president. If an amazing guy is running and he has a lot of experience over presidential ideas. He will be the perfect president, but since there was no voting they won’t have prove that this is the right president   


We also won’t  know who the president is and we may not like him or her. He or she might also not be the smartest in defending our country and attacking other countries. They may choose someone That they like to do a job like bodyguard or General of the army. The state may not like president because they didn’t vote for him or her. The people would not like the president and a rival may start. They would demand to vote and maybe start a war even.

That is all for ,What America would be like without the voting system. I hope you  enjoyed it. We worked hard and did are best!!!  BYE!!!     

2 responses

  1. Hi Adam (and Tyler)
    I enjoyed reading through your posts on your blog. I agree with you, it is important that we have a voting system. Do you think that children or teenagers should be allowed to vote?
    It would be great if you could write and About Me Post or Page so that your readers can know a little more about you.

    Here are some ideas from the Blogging Challenge:
    Write a poem
    Write an A-Z paragraph eg I am an athletic, yet brainy child who decided that saving the environment is one of my future goals.
    Create a list of things people might not know about you.

    I am a teacher from Canada, but now I live in Denmark.



  2. That is an interesting point. America would maybe fall in civil war due to the lack of voting. But how would this happen? Hopefully this scenario doesn’t play out in the upcoming election or any in the future.

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