Write the World’s Best Comments! Blog Challenge Week 2

Do you want to know how to make the world’s best comments? Here are some ways you can make it happen. You can specify what information you’re commenting on like if someone writes a story, specify what part you are commenting on. You also want to stay positive and keep the author positive, too. If you write something negative, the author might not write as great or try and write past their limits. Also, you might want to write something true (fact time!) and make sure what you are writing hasn’t already been written in another comment. Making connections with a writer is another way to make commenting better. Imagine that a writer writes about something they did over the summer and you did the same thing. You should make that connection and see what they write back. You should also ask questions and get a conversation going. When you ask questions, the author should write back any answer they have. Remember to proofread your comments and make sure that at the beginning of every sentence there should be a capital letter and grammar should be checked, too. Don’t forget to leave your URL to have the author check out your things, too.

One thought on “Write the World’s Best Comments! Blog Challenge Week 2

  1. Natasha, I like how you decided to word this it sounds so grown up. I wish you would’ve had the star wish wonder example in it too. Why did you make this sound sophisticated like you aren’t actually your age and it makes you sound older. Finally, Natasha, You did an amazing job on writing this.

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