Would you rather spend a day watching Christmas videos OR spend a day Christmas shopping at the mall? WHY?

Would you rather spend a day watching Christmas videos OR spend a day Christmas shopping at the mall?  WHY?

I would rather watch christmas videos all day, I want to do that because christmas shopping is to stressful and it is hard to get around. I would rather stay at home and order stuff online and not have to go to a store. And I just ike watching christmas videos and having to chill out till christmas.

Would you rather not celebrate Christmas this year OR not celebrate your birthday this year? WHY?

Would you rather not celebrate Christmas this year OR not celebrate your birthday this year?  WHY?

I would rather not celebrate my birthday because, we would not be here if Jesus was not here to protect us and die  for our sins, we would all be nothing and we would not be here. You don’t have to celebrate your birthday, we wouldn’t be here if Jesus wasn’t here.

My favorite superhero

My favorite superhero is superman, Why? Because he is super strong, he is invincible,  he has laser vision, and he can fly. That is really cool. When I was little I used to always wear superman shirts and have a superman stuffed animal. I always wanted to be super strong, be able to fly, and have laser vision. Imagine what you could do with those powers. Even though his only weakness is kryptonite he is still really cool and it is probably very hard getting kryptonite. That is my favorite superhero.

By:Reed Gruber      Image result for superman

Something I wanted as a child but never received.

Write about something you desperately wanted as a child but never received.

Whenever I was little I wanted this little battery powered plastic motorcycle but I never got it.
Because when I was little I was not so good with behavior and I did not get a lot of stuff. I did get stuff for christmas and my birthday but other times I did not get as much as I do today. Every time we went to the store that sold that toy, they said no. I have always wanted that toy I have asked for it for christmas but when I was little they did not buy as expensive things as they did today. So that is the toy that I have always wanted.

My favorite or most important family member and why?

This is my favorite or most important family member and why?

My favorite family member is my grandpa. I look up to my grandpa, and I spend a lot of my time with him.
But the older I get the less amount of time I spend with him because I have a lot more things to do when I get older. Almost every day I hung out with my grandpa and we went places together and he treats me like a king.
He gets me a lot and I treat him respectfully. That is my favorite family member and why?

A Hero

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” – Christopher Reeve. This quote means to me by telling me that anybody can be a hero.

I think 2 traits that a hero should have is to be humble, and to be brave.
I think that I consider my dad as a hero because he helps me when I am down and he is brave and he is humble and helps others. George washington because he was courageous and humble.

NO drugs.

Why is so important for schools to teach students about drugs and alcohol?  Can teachers really influence who you become later in life?


So that they can learn that they should not do drugs and they explain why drugs are bad for you. Yes they can because, Teachers can teach you life lessons they help you get a good college degree and they help you have a good influence to others.

“It is much easier to be brave if you do not know everything.”

One time I had to be brave because there was a animal outside our tent but I didn’t know that it just was one of the dogs at the cabin. So I grabbed my 22 and a pocket knife and a flashlight and I was walking around our tent and then I saw paw prints I thought it was a racoon or a fox or a coyote so then I looked a little more. Then I found out that it was just one of the dogs with us. The quote means to me how? I had to be in this situation before so I had to know what it is like.

My dream day.

My dream day consists of me getting a a 10 point buck hunting. Me getting a 750 atv four wheeler. And me winning the lottery. My best day at school will consist of me getting all A, school being cancelled early. And me waking up one day and a new puppy on my bed. And my other puppy potty trained.

So that would be my dream day.

Where I would like to travel.

I would like to travel to Africa. Why I would want to go hunting there and be able to go to an animal sanctuary and being to feed the big cats. I would get there by plane. But when we were dropped off at the airport there would be a jeep waiting for us to drive us to our camp. When I first got there I would want to go hunting. So the next morning we went on a hunt for giraffe. You can hunt giraffe. And then we would have to gut it and put the meat on a truck. Then when we get back to camp I would start a fire. Then that night we would cook the giraffe.

And that is where I would like to travel.