???Can We Help???


                                         Boat                                                                 Equals                                                   Glass of Water

So some people when they see those 3 pictures they don’t think that much of it. Other people think “that is that what I am drinking.” Only a few people think, “this is a problem.” Those few people are ABSOLUTELY right. This is a massive problem. The water we drink could of came from that river/ocean. The water is so polluted that we can’t even see through it. So if we want clean water for every single human being out there in the world then we can’t have a water looking like that. Yes the water we drink looks so clear but that’s because we have been able to take all the nasty stuff out and purify it so it is safe to drink. What if I told you that there are people out in the world who drink that nasty and filthy water. What would you think?  Now that some people know that this is a problem they are now thinking, “so what have we done to try and stop the water from getting so polluted?” Well here is what this article is all about. ‘

There has been many inventions and only some worked. There is this guy names Michael Pritchard he made a water bottle that cleans dirty or filthy water. He made what is called the LifeSaver. It is called that because one day this could save your life. It can take dirty or filthy water and make it clean and filters it. So the LifeSaver can help if you live somewhere where there is dirty water everywhere. Or if you live in an area that gets lots of floods. Then you can take the dirty ground water and turn it into good and healthy drinking water. So if I was in any of those areas then I would probably buy this water bottle.


Thank you for reading my story, I hope you did enjoy it. If you are wondering where I got my information it came from background knowledge and from the website: TED. Also if you want to go and help go to: Global Goals! Make sure to comment down below what your favorite part of this story was, or if you have a suggestion for me also leave it below. (Make sure to leave your blog link in your comment so I can go and visit and also comment) Bye!



!!!Global Goals!!!


All of those goals are apart of the 17 Global Goals. In class we are learning about the Global Goals and I wanted to tell you about them as well. So here is why the Global Goals are so important.

The goals are important because, if we don’t stop them the Earth will become separated and we could all once not be able to live here.  So yes I think the global goals are important and I think you should too! Again if we didn’t have the goals the Earth wouldn’t be a good place to live. Now I know all of these goals are SUPER important but, I think one of the most important goal is goal number 3. I think number 3~Good health and well-being is something we need to stop! I think we could build FREE hospitals and have doctors come out to everywhere in the world and help people who are sick. Once a week they would go and see if anyone is sick. If so they take that person to the hospital make them better, then they’re done for that time.


I still think all of them are important it is just, we all need to help. Help take care of our environment and help everyone around us! To see all the global goals please visit the website and if you also want to help please go to: Global Goals! and sign up. Thank you for reading and I hope you will join all the people who have also joined the Global Goals. (By the way it’s free to sign up!) Alright BYE!



The Camping Trip! (Gone Wrong) Part 1!

The Camping Trip! (Gone Wrong) Part 1

Camping on Flattop. Chugach State Park, AlaskaCreative Commons License Paxson Woelber via Compfight


     One night my parents decided to go on a camping trip.  They said they wanted to leave tomorrow, so that meant one day to get ready for a week of camping.  We didn’t even know where we we’re going, they just said to get ready. We never really went full on camping at a site because there was no place near us.  So we just started to packing up all the essentials.


     When we were done packing clothing, toothbrush, toothpaste, snacks, etc. We each had two bags, 3 bags of snacks for all of us, and the tent. So we got in the car and my brother asks my parents, “So, where are we going?” My Dad responded with, “To a camping site with a water park!” My brother and I didn’t pack a swimsuit because they didn’t tell us. “Umm Dad I didn’t pack my swimsuit”, I said. “Me neither”, my brother said confusedly. We were already 10-15 minutes away from the house so we had to turn around.


     When we got back in the car my Mom asked all of us, “Okay did you forget anything else?” I replied saying “Is there any other secret things about this place, that we don’t know about?” “No there shouldn’t be any other surprises”, My Dad said sarcastically.  So we were on the road again everything all packed up once more. We realized that we would need to put gas in the truck so we went to the gas station. We have never went to this gas station but it was the closest one to us at that moment in time. When we pulled in the gas station we went to the one pump and my Mom got out and was out there for a few minutes.  When she came back in she said, “I don’t think they have the gas that this truck needs here?” So my Dad went out to go and check. When he came back in he didn’t really say anything but, “What gas station doesn’t have multiple variations of gas?” So we had to go and find another gas station that was 45 minutes away.


Do you think that they’ll ever get to the camp site?  What else will they forget? Stay tuned until next story to find out? Comment down below what your predictions are!

!!!Long time No post!!!

Hey guys I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in a while.  We have been on summer break for the past week or so.  I might be writing some humor stories or just random stories that I wrote.  If you have any ideas for me to write make sure to leave them in the comments below and I might choose your suggestion. I will give you credit in my story if someone gave me an idea.  Alright that’s all I have to say for now!  I’ll see you next story, and maybe that story would be one of your suggestion! Bye!


Where to find this image.

FiNiSh My StOrY!




“Where am I?”, said Anne.

“It’s alright sweetie.”, said Mom

“MOM? Where are we?”

“In your room dear.  What are you talking about?”

“I don’t quite know what I’m talking about.”

“Ok? Maybe you should rest more.”

“MOM I’m fine.”

“Alright!  I’m going to my room.”

“BYE!”, Anne said to her Mom. Her mom waving back to her.  After she left Anne didn’t know where she was.  She called and called but weirdly no one came.  Usually when she calls, someone comes and knocks on the door.  Anne got up but, then fell.  Like her legs aren’t working.  She was so confused!  She called and called and called and finally someone came.  It was her Mom.

“Honey why are you calling us?”, Her Mom said.

“I’m on the floor”, she said, “Help me up!”

“You aren’t on the floor, you’re in your bed.”

“WHAT!”, Anne felt the covers her mom put on her.  She could swear she was on the floor before her Mom came in.

“Get more rest honey.  Seriously!”

“Alright!”, Anne said again as her Mom left the room.  She cuddled with her stuffed animal and got comfy.  Then, she perked up and remembered what happened!


To Be Continued……

Please comment below your ending of the story and finish the title. You can fill in the blank with whatever you want!  And if you do then,  I’ll give you a shoutout!  Just make sure to leave your blog URL so I can go to your blog and show/tell other people about your blog!  Thank You!  BYE!

!!!Wheat Article!!!

Our Wheat Article      

   By Izzy, Brooklynn




Do you like Bread, Cake, and Doughnuts?  Well if so you’re going to love WHEAT!

History of wheat     


Wheat was first grown on the mountains in the southeastern turkey. Also grew in the middle East Wheat was first introduced to America on the 15th century.Wheat was first grown around 9,000 years ago. In 2013 China produced 96% of our wheat.Long before the beginning of agriculture they gathered wild wheat for food. About by 4,000 B.C.,farming wheat had became a thing and spread through Asia, Europe, and Northern Africa. BY 6000 B.C.,farmers were milling cereal grains by hammering them with stone pestles and were toasting milled grains.People in some areas grew so much grain they feed people in different lands.

Were it grows and why    

Wheat grows in all different places but the main place we are talking about is Pennsylvania. The reason it grows well in Pennsylvania is because we grow it in the summer and April. It is warm in the summer and April. Also it needs lots of sunshine and rain. It needs 12-15 inches of rain.


Products you can make with wheat   


Wheat products we can make are flour, bread, cakes, cookies, pastries, and other baked goods. You can also make pasta, pizza, breaded and battered foods, cereals and some canned soups. Also you can make crumpets, muffins, noodles, biscuits, cereal bars, and more! Wheat is a very popular crop and is used in lots of things.  


 Facts About Wheat        


Wheat covers more of earth’s ground than any other food crop.Wheat is one of the worlds most important crop.Young wheat plants have a bright green and look like grass.The main parts of a mature




In conclusion we think that wheat is very helpful.  It’s important to the PA agriculture. It’s worth 212 million.


Works Cited    

ExplorePAHistory.com – Stories from PA History, explorepahistory.com/story.php?storyId=1-9-4&chapter=1.

Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., kids.britannica.com/students/article/wheat/277720/210174-toc.

“Free Image on Pixabay – Wheat, Ear, Wheat Field, Nature.” Free Photo: Wheat, Ear, Wheat Field, Nature – Free Image on Pixabay – 2713927, pixabay.com/en/wheat-ear-wheat-field-nature-2713927/.

Jones, Stephen. “Wheat.” World Book Student, World Book, 2018, worldbookonline.com/student/article?id=ar600120. Accessed 9 Feb. 2018.