Cat Notes by Roki the Kitten

Cat Notes by Ashlyn Graham

Day 1

3:00 AM Hey! It’s me, Roki the kitten! Right now, I am playing with my toy mouse, Squeaky.

3:02 AM Basically, now I need to eat my food.

But now I am seeing a creepy guy who looks like a creepy clown holding a red balloon and a knife. Cat lifes are odd. These cat books are probably gonna be short, but it’s not like they’re scary. Imagine yourself by PENNYWISE THE CLOWN! Right next to him were a rake man and a scary rake dog! I fled up to my owner’s room. I slept on their bed until the scratching and the popping of the balloon and the scary bark of the dog would stop. I slept for the rest of the day like that.

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