Meepland 2 Uni and Mip and Meepking and Rackie Raccoon’s Adventure!

Meepland 2
By: Ash G.
Meepking was laying in bed. Then he heard a knock on the door at the bottom room. Which is the lobby. So then, see, he goes down there. Mip, one of his fellow meep friends, was there. “Meepking,” Mip said, “Meepland is flooded.” Mip shuddered. “Well how did you get here, Mip, if the rest of your family is at home?” Meepking asked. “Uh, well, I, uh, um, you see….” Mip said. Mip was very very very suspicious. And furthermore, he was wet. “Well, Mip,” Meepking said, looking around the room, “did you see anything?” “Yes, uh, I guess.” Mip then explained that he was walking by the Laffy Taffy shop in Wonka World (which is a thing that I do not even know if it had been made or something) and next after that he said that he saw someone in the hole in the side of the Candy Cave. Next Meepking went to the building, yes, that building that I am going to describe later. He stepped up to the doorstep of the new townhouse that had the millions of gargoyle statues and all that stuff. When you look through the curtains you could see a gazillion binoculars. There was one pair of glasses. You could see a whole bunch of unicorns in cages. Like those big tiger cages that you see whenever you go to the zoo. Meepking went up to the doorstep and rang the gargoyle’s ring in its nose. “Wait are you sure that this is the right place?” Meepking asked Mip. They were like thinking oh no but well too bad ’cause Uni answered the door and said, “Unilyn Unicorn, P.I. Service. If you need a serious case, I will bring a magic wand with me.” Yeah you would think since it is Meepking’s sister’s pet that he’d know where it is.”Huh, yeah all right. I have been coming here for days ever since that thing happened.” Mip explained. Meepking asked his trusty sister to come and help. Yes his sister was a unicorn, but she could help. She has a horn that can do anything (except come off because then she’d be a donkey.) Then Uni helped look. When they got to Wonka World, they saw the cave. “C’mon, guys, ride on my back.” Then they found the culprit. It was Willy Wonka. I will tell you how they found him. They opened Wonka World by calling all the workers in. After that, they turned on the Candy Cave and they went on the haunted scary roller coaster. It was really meant to be a haunted roller coaster, because that was their haunted meant-to-be ride. You know, the one where it is like there is pipes in a middle of a mountain. That is what it is. Uni said, “Ya know, I wanna go back to the HQ.” Uni was gonna call her helpers. “Wait do any of you guys have any kind of weird phone?” Uni asked. Obviously Mip had his iPod. “But wait I have a thing uh a horn to call my sidekick.” Uni replied. She dialed the number. “Okay, lemme remember… Oh yeah it is 173-542-5776.” Right, duh Uni. She called her sidekick. Rackie Raccoon came. “Okay so I just got the ride all on and stuff,” Rackie said. The worker turned on a blacklight on Rackie’s helmet and on the Chocolate Boat. Rackie was steering it. As they were in the boat, they looked at the sidewalk and then there was a tall guy in a black coat. Man that guy was tall he was 8.9 feet tall. ZOO-WEE-MAMA! They caught him and he was Willy Wonka. “Willy Wonka why did you do that?” Unilyn asked. Willy Wonka was like sorry I was cleaning up the water mess. But he wasn’t. The end! Watch for the Meepland 3: Mip’s School Adventures but not really adventures!

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