All About Maine!!!!!!

              I went to Maine this summer and it was the best vacation ever! We drove the whole way to Maine it was surprisingly pretty cool. The first day we relaxed. Then went to the store, started a fire and roasted smores.

             The third day we hiked up cadillac mountain and it was amazing. We also went on a sandbar a sandbar is a path of sand crossing islands and I found 8 whole crab shells.

              Then we went to sand beach it was 50 degree water. We also went on a boat and saw a mola-mola it was HUGE. Haylie (my older sister) saw it first we thought it was a shark but the boat guy said it was a mola-mola. Its fin went up and down like it was saying hello because it was laying sideways because that’s what they do. It was the first mola-mola he saw that summer. It was better than my week in tennessee. As you can see my week in maine was the best vacation ever.

2 responses

  1. that was cool I wish I could go to maine
    what I thought was funny was that you wrote in you first paragraph you said I was surprised was that you said was it was surprisingly pretty cool. of course it was cool I wish
    I could go there lucky.
    I wonder what where you will go next.

  2. that was cool I wish I could go to maine
    what I thought was funny was that you wrote in you first paragraph you said I was surprised was that you said was it was surprisingly pretty cool. of course it was cool I wish
    I could go there lucky.
    I wonder what where you will go next.

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