My new product!

             Our task was to make a new product and we made the BAM safe! If you keep reading you will find out what it is.


              Our ideas were to make some sort of watch but we couldn’t quite figure it out. Then we had this amazing idea of putting a safe under the watch. Also we all agreed on the BAM safe.


               I was a logistics person. So I had to figure out all the math and look up where we are going to get the materials and how much it cost. The reason I was the logistics person was because I am very good at  math and I like to do math.


                The BAM safe went very well. It was fun, I had good partners, and we all agreed on the BAM safe right away. We also had a fun catch phrase it goes like (need somewhere to put your money BAM safe.)

4 responses

  1. I LOVED it there was like nothing wrong and I am not just saying that because I am your twin .
    I do wish though you would tell me more because I want to see more of it
    I give you 10 stars nice job mikey it was a amazing post!

  2. star,I think you had a lot of detail.

    wish,I wish you would have told me how you got the name.

    wonder,I wonder if you had any other ideas.

  3. star: that is a great idea I wish I came up with that idea that is a smart idea.
    I wish: that you have more smart ideas for me to read about [hard for me to come up with]I I wonder: how you worked with your team

  4. Star:I think that was a REALLY GOOD idea.
    Wonder: If you actually knew how to make all of the stuff you need then it would probably get sold.
    Wish: I don’t think you need anything better but it was VERY good.

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