“What is Esperellda?”


Esperellda is basically a whole world inside my head. It carries my own places, characters, anything I want to be in it. So, if you hear me call myself the “Goddess of Imagination,” that’s why. Only gods can create their own worlds and well… I happened to make one inside my head. So that’s why I called this blog Planet Esperellda just to simply share my brilliant little world.

Okay, so I got the whole “what is Esperellda?” thing down so lets talk more into it.


Esperellda isn’t just a place. It’s a whole planet.

It has two moons- One big, one small. The big one is a bright purple and the small one is a mystical pink-like color.

The sky is a dark purple color at night and bright purple during the day.

It also has two blue twin suns that tend to spin around each other while Esperellda cycles around them. Trust me people, it’s possible.

You already know why I created it and what I use it for so let’s skip that…



Forest of Solitude:

Universal Cave

Star Lake

Royal Waterfall

Tree of Dreams

Forest of Silence:

House of Silence

Tree of Silence

Nightmare Valley

Dark Circle

Tunnel of Insanity

Meadow of Lullaby:


Angelic- A flower that grows wings when bloomed.

Illusion- A spiral looking flower.

Thail- A flower that looks like three magical cat-tails.

Masic- Flowers that look like unique instruments and make music.


Diz- Good for Nausia or dizziness.

Yium- Simply good for empty stomach. Has a yummy taste.

Southen- Good for soothing any kind of body ache.

Deezie- It’s simply to clear your head.

Happii- A berry that clears your head of stress and depression of any kind.

Hailer- Used for mental pain like heartbreak. It doesn’t fix the problem but it makes you feel less hopeless.

Hiela- Heals any kind of wound that isn’t fatal.


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