Dark Angel

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Dark Angel (Drawn by me)


“Black wings

Black heart

That’s what I’ve gained

Red blood

Dark hole

And I am a slave who’s chained.


Living my life

A lifeless soul

Stuck on the ground

On this hellhole


I am the night

I am the fear

I am the whisper

Bringing the first tear

I am your hate

I am your love

I am a crow

Who once was a Dove

You are my lover

I am your tunnel

Hiding from the world

You’ve fallen through the funnel

I am their leader

I am their insanity

I took my happiness

And everyone’s vanity


Listen to me

Look at this form

There is no wings

No red eyes

No horn

But look even closer

Feel my beating heart

It beats the flapping of my wings inside

And it’s bringing me to the start-

The start of all the madness

Where my hopes and dreams all died

My crimson eyes are easy to see

Along with all the tears I’ve cried

I am a Dark Angel

Be afraid of my rage

Before I start to rant and snap

Put me in my cage

I am a Dark Angel

You can’t tell me what I can do

Because I’ll bring together all my hidden power

And take it all out on you~”

2 thoughts on “Dark Angel

  1. Oooo~ I like this! It’s really deep like emotional deep like if someone who feels lonely that has the courage to say that “no one can tell me what to do”.

    • Yeah. 🙂 It’s supposed to represent me. I’m really quiet and shy and usually let people push me around. But I found myself at the edge where I have so choice but to push back through the people. I can’t just let people treat me horribly. It’s time to stand up, say “no”, and let no one tell you that you aren’t special or smart or anything positive, because we are these things. 🙂

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