my template


Name: Hayden


Expedition Name Text Title
Solar system Galactic differences


What do you SEE?

(Describe what you see using WOW words)

I see amazing planets.

Bright stars.

Colorful planets.

What do you THINK?

(As you are experiencing VR tell your audience in detail what you are thinking using sequence words. First, Next, Last)

I think the moon is two times smaller the the earth.

I think neptune is just a big blue ball.

I think the sun is the brightest star.

What do you WONDER?

(During your expedition what are you wondering about? What questions come to your mind?)

I wonder if there is a black hole in the center of the milky way.

I wonder if there’s other life forms of different galaxies.

Adapted from Veronica Vox Mansilla @ProjectZeroHGSE


Text Connections


What did you SEE in the Expedition that you can CONNECT to the text?

(Be sure to cite specific examples from the expedition and the text)

I seen the different types of galaxies there are.

I seen what galaxies looks like.

How do you THINK the Expedition enhanced your understanding of the text?

(Be sure to use evidence from the text to support your response)

I think dark matter is a thing from a different galaxy.

I think if two galaxies crash they will explode into a black hole.

What do you still WONDER after experiencing the Expedition and reading the text?

(Write a reflection to extend your thinking i.e. What are you still curious about? What more do you want to know?)

I wonder if there is only three types of galaxies or more.

I wonder if dark matter is dangerous.


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