May 15

Self Driving Cars

~Self driving cars~


Hello, My name is Kierra and I am going to be informing you about self driving cars and if we are ready for them or not. I will also be telling you about the authors opinions. First of all, a self driving car is basically a car that you do not need to drive. They can drive all on their own. They can do that because they have little sensors that are attached to the car and that will be able to tell how close or far away something is from the car.


Here are some of the reasons why we the first person thinks we  should have self driving cars. One of the reasons they think we are ready for self driving cars is because they have little sensors that are attached to the car and that will be able to tell how close or far away something is from the car, and that will prevent accidents, (or at least decrease the number of accidents. The author also stated that 32,000 people die each year in car accidents in the United States. Another 2.5 million people get hurt each year. The author stated that 95 out of every 100 of the car accidents are human mistakes. She mentioned that you can do many other things while the car is driving itself. For example, you could text, work or just relax. That author thought that we are ready for self driving cars.


Here are the CONS  that the author stated about self driving cars. The author thinks it is a bad idea to have self driving cars because some self driving cars have a computer that takes all of the control of the car, taking all control of a car is terrible, The driver should always have some control over the car. Because what if the car has a malfunction and it just stops? What would you do then? You should be able to take control of the car somehow. Because if the car just stops and the car behind you is going really fast, then they might not be able to stop fast enough to prevent a crash, so the person has to be able to take over if you are about to get crashed into.


However, I have an opinion too. My opinion is kind of a mix of both of them. First i will tell you my reasons why I think that we are  ready for self driving cars. I think we are ready for self driving cars because if you are on a long trip and you are the one driving the whole time and everyone else is sleeping, then you just want to sleep too. So a solution for that problem is that you could get a self driving car! Another reason I think that we are ready for self driving cars is because 95 out of every 100 car accidents are human mistakes. Also, computers don’t get panicky. For example, if there was a deer on the road, then the computer would just do its  job. But with humans, if they are not paying attention to the road, then they would be like ahhh! A deer! And they would turn sharp and they might go off the road.


Now I will tell you my opinion about the CONS of having self driving cars. One of the CONS about having self driving cars is that people won’t be able to take control. You shouldn’t take the control away from the driver! Because if the car does something wrong, then you have to be able to take control. Another reason I think that we are not ready for self driving cars is because kids could just steal a car and say where they want to go and it would just take them there. The car wouldn’t know if the kid is a grown up or not. The laws might have to change too, because kids should be allowed to have a car because they are not even driving them. And if someone gets into a car crash, then they shouldn’t have to pay for the other person’s medical bills if they get hurt because it is not their fault, it is the car’s fault. So as you can see, I have mixed opinions for self driving cars.

Posted May 15, 2018 by eshkin2 in category Uncategorized

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