Dude Men and Dude Man And Dudedrito


“ Hey Dude do you smell something fishy as in weird?” said Dude Man “ Yeah I mean I Didn’t take a bodywash bath this week.” Said Dude Men. “ Dude Come here.” Said Dude Man Dude Man hopped along. “ Dude, do you think that are dude school teacher will get mad at us for leaving and for joining a different school where we actually learn stuff.” Said Dude Men


“Maybe but ultimately no we were the last people she cared about I bet.” Said Dude Man  “ Maybe.” Said Dude Men  “ Looks like a storm’s coming we should probably get ready for it.”and Said Dude Man Suddenly the wind blew the dudes to this place where they were hiring news reporters and it just so happened that the dude’s got the job. “ Dude did you get the job? Said Dude Men “ Sure Did.” Said Dude Man excitedly  Both dudes jumped up in the air and laughed excitedly knowing they both had the same job and it was pretty decent. “ Dude to celebrate let’s go on a picnic in Sunny City.” Said Dude Men  Dude Men was eating a muffin, when suddenly it got snatched from his hand!  They chased after the thief and saw a big, cute, chubby mouse eating the cheese.


“You little thief!”  Yelled Dude Men.  “Don’t yell at the thing, it’s adorable,” says Dude Man calming him down.  “Why, lets call it…um, Dudey Doritos.”  Suggests Dude Man.  “What about Dudedrito .” Said dude men. They both agreed on that. Dudedrito started singing, “I am an elephant, you are an elephant, together we are elephants.”  “What the heck!”  Shouted Dude Man, “I didn’t want a squeaky concert when we let it come with us.” Said Dude Man “ That’s so cute.” Said dude men  “ It can sing.” Said  Dude Man Well let’s pack up and hit the road.” Said Dude Man “ Why would we do that it would hurt?” Said Dude Men “ You’re right why would we.” Said Dude Man “ Dude where’s Dudedrito?” Said Dude Men “ I Don’t know I thought you had him.” Said Dude Man


Suddenly a tiny tiny little voice can from in the picnic basket. “ Ohh I’m so full DUDES DUDES!” Called Dudedrito “ Oh there he is, Dude it looks like there something wrong with him.” Said Dude Man  “ I ate too much food and when are we going to be there.” Said Dudedrito “ 5 minutes Maybe we should.” Suddenly Dude Men was interrupted by a awakening noise calling SUSIE ALERT SUSIE ALERT “ Dude Hide and leave Dudedrito he needs to learn a lesson about how to not eat all of you scrumptious food.” Said Dude Man “ Okay and what fancy words your speaking Dude.” Said Dude Men “ Thanks now Go!” Said Dude Man

To be continued…

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