
In class for the past couple weeks, we have been working on economics. So far, we have bought a car with a down payment, went grocery shopping, and we have learned about supply and demand. In our classroom, becasue of supply and demand, pencils were 10 dollars each. That is REALLY expensive for a pencil. But now, because of even more supply and demand, pencils are 25 dollars. I think that’s a little obsurd, but it is what it is. Every two weeks, we get a paycheck of 879 dollars. Every month, we also pay bills. We have rent, water, food, heating, and more. Yeah, being an adult sucks. When I grow up, I think I’ll be a little more of a spender than a saver, but we learned to budget our money, so I think I’ll be okay. In class this year, we had an oppurtunity cost that I took. I was buy one get one free pencils for 10 dollars, or get 10 hershey kisses for 10 dollars. I didn’t have any pencils, but I really wanted those hershey kisses. But when it came to me, I wouldn’t have anything to right with if I did buy the hershey kisses. So, overall, I absolutley HAD to get the pencils. We have also had emergencys, one of them being a clogged toilet, while the other one being a ER visit for a sick family member. They both ranged to about 200 dollars. It’s also important to save for a rainy day, because you never know what might happen.

3 thoughts on “Economics”

  1. Hi Dimitry! It’s Christian again. I have also been working on economics in my class too! Are prices for materials aren’t priced as much as yours are. We started off with $25.00. Are pencils started off as $3.00, and are now ranged at I believe, $6-$8, due to supply and demand. We even do the stock market! Anyway……

    STAR: I like how you stated about things that you learned!
    WISH: I wish you could have stated more about wants/needs.
    WONDER: Do you do the stock market?

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