Daily Archives: January 27, 2017

The Missing Sword: Who Did It?

Back then it was a idle. Today, just history. The sword had been stolen to most. But just a few believed that it may still be out there and just a replica was stolen. Wait, you don’t know the story.

A long time ago the sword was the thing that saved us all. We were being raided by unfriendly tribes and that sword was thrown 3 miles by a catapult that a guard had set off when resting the sword down on a table and it slipped off and the guard knocked over the table trying to reach the sword and BOOM! The sword was gone. The sword sliced through the air and cut the rope that held the tribe from the other side of the monument of a dragon and it fell. The tribe from the other side was known as the Redbors tribe and they were fierce as the mightiest dragon, Locktool, who roamed the Himalayan mountains looking for adventurous climbers to devour. The Redbor tribe was an enemy to everyone. The people of Corus were happy, even if the sword of Instapol was gone because to conquer a land you must strap your monument to a great big plank and place in enemy territory. And destroy the enemy’s monument which they would place on your land. But if your monument was struck down the whole army would retreat and never return. If you did, a most unpleasant thing would be unleashed on your tribe. Unspeakable. But since Redbor’s monument was struck down they couldn’t continue onto battle. They knew the consequences and backed off.

A few days later the sword of Instapol was discovered and placed into a museum under top security vault. The sword was stolen 2 weeks later and the only thing that was left behind was old rag pouch with pure gold tucked inside. As my shift ended I emerged from the museum and saw a man with a similar pouch, strapped to his belt buckle. I knew I couldn’t jump to conclusions but I snapped a picture of him anyway and made sure that the pouch and his face were visible.

Tommorow I’d search for a smaller clue, not easily visible to the human eye such as fingerprints. The next day I went to the museum and showed the guard my I.D. He let me pass. I got out my fingerprint finding kit and off I went with a magnifying glass, exploring the case where the sword was held and areas around that. I found a few so I got a copy of them and sent them to the lab for analyzing. I searched for more clues but found nothing. The next day, results came back from the lab. The fingerprints were owned by someone named Eduardo Rivera the name of the person who put the sword in the case! This was going to need some investigating. Did Eduardo get fingerprints on the case by putting the sword in it and the culprit didn’t leave any marks? Or did he steal the sword? It occurred to me that Eduardo had the key to the case. This was going to be tough. Time to talk to Eduardo Rivera.

“Where were you the night of the breakage into the museum.” I asked Eduardo. “I was walking around town after going shopping.” he replied. “Where did you go?” I quizzed. “Why are you asking, Charles.” Eduardo said. “Just wondering.” I replied. “I’m not so sure.” said Eduardo. “If you don’t answer my questions then I have to believe you as a liar.” I said. “I’m no liar!” he replied angrily. “Then answer my questions.” I said, “If you are truly innocent of crime then you have nothing to hide.” “Fine, fine.” Eduardo said, giving up, “I’ll tell you the truth. (Or was it?) I went to an appliance store but I forget what it was called.” “Where was it located?” I asked. “Right next to the museum.” Eduardo replied. “What time did you get home that night?” I asked. “10:00.” replied Eduardo. “Eduardo, you are free to go.” I said. I was going to ask Eduardo’s wife, Donna, what time Eduardo got home that night. I found Eduardo’s address which was 324 Holter Rd. and drove there wondering if Eduardo’s story would confirmed or denied.

“Hello, Mrs. Rivera.” I said as she let me in, m“I would like to ask a few questions.” “About what?” said Donna shakily. “Just a time.” I said, “On the 13th of March, what time did your husband get home at?” “That was the night that he stole the sword.” said Donna, staring into space and saying whatever popped into her head. “Where’s the sword Mrs. Rivera?” I asked forcefully. “I swear I don’t know. The night he came home with the sword he told be to keep my lips zipped or he would post a really inappropriate picture in FaceBook and say that I was using his phone and put it up.” “So it sounds like you were forced to do something to keep something ‘safe’.” I said. “Yes.” she replied. “Ok. Now we know the real story. Sadly Donna you’ll have to go to prison due to never telling anyone BUT you only have to serve 1 day due to the fact that you were forced not to tell and technically is you told someone that couldn’t help you at the moment and you’re husband found out and posted the picture you would probably go to jail and you were innocent.

“Ok, I’ll go.” said Donna,“But we need to find the sword A.S.A.P because Eduardo is coming home soon and any day now he said that he was gonna flee to China where there are 1,385,566,567 inhabitants.” she said, “Now where is that sword?” She thought about it for a minute. “He probably put it in the safe!” she said finally. “Where is the safe?” I asked. “Behind the picture.” she replied. “Can I take the picture off or do you want to?” I asked. “You can.” she said, “The code is 2609.” I took the picture off the wall and put in 2609. Nothing happened. “Do you think that Eduardo changed the number?” I asked Donna. “Probably. If he did he most likely wrote it down in his notebook because when it comes to pins and passwords he’ll forget them so he writes them down. We’re going to be trying a lot of numbers though because he doesn’t label any of the numbers he puts in the book.” she told me.

We went through the book and found the pins 1046, 3374, 8582, 1949, 1707, 3358 and 3658 on the first 20 pages of the book. None of the numbers worked. Then on the last page we found the pin 3905. “I hope this is it.” I said. I then put in 3905 and it worked! The safe opened and inside there was the sword of Instapol! The mystery was solved, the sword was returned to the museum and Donna and Eduardo Rivera were put in jail, Donna for a day and Eduardo for 5 years.

Case Closed

Picture above from Pixabay

Martin Luther King Jr: Why Did He Give His Speech At The Lincoln Memorial

Have you heard of Martin Luther King Jr? He was a person of a different race and was treated differently than others. People like Martin Luther King Jr, who had a different skin color than the white, had to drink from different water fountains, go to different schools and enter through back doors of restaurants. Martin Luther King Jr gave the great “I Have A Dream” speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Do you wonder why? Read on to find out.


The Lincoln Memorial is to honor Abraham Lincoln who freed the slaves. The slaves were people of different race who were treated differently than white people. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves because he thought that it wasn’t fair that other people were treated differently just because of the way they looked. Martin Luther King Jr did and thought nearly the same as Abraham Lincoln about treating people who were different.


         This is why I think that Martin Luther King Jr gave his famous “I Have A Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.


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