Monthly Archives: November 2016

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Fact or Fiction? True or False questions about America and a bonus!

These are some interesting true or false questions about the United States of America.

  • There are 50 states.
  • 48 states are connected.
  • The capital of the U.S is Washington.
  • The U.S is in North America.
  • It is between Mexico and Canada.
  • The first state was Delaware.
  • The current flag has 13 stripes for each of the 13 colonies and 48 stars.
  • The first flag was created by Betsy Ross on June 15th 1777.
  • The National Anthem is The Star Spangled Banner.
  • The most populated state is California.
  • The least populated state is New Hampsheire.
  • The U.S has been in 2 wars.


These are some interesting true or false questions about the United States of America. Below are some of the sites that I got my information from:


Site 1

Site 2

Site 3

Site 4


Here is the BONUS question. 

What flag is this?

Canga do Brasil Sottovia Via Compfight 

Below in the comments tell me the ones you are positive that you got right. Then tell me the ones your not sure of and take a guess! Then I will give you a score. The bonus is worth 8 points and the others are worth 1 point.






A Thanksgiving Poem about Thanksgiving Day! Yay!

It is Thanksgiving!

We are glad for all things dead or living.

We should be thankful on this day,

for some delicous food. Hooray!

Turkey, potatoes, green bean casserole and corn,

when Thanksgiving is over I will surely mourn.

Family is all around you.

The pumpkin pie is around you too.

Thanksgiving is a day for giving thanks,

for anything you like such as for friends or for money in the banks.

Remember don’t eat all the Thanksgiving food around!

If you do you might end up lying ground!

Remember to be thanks giving!

Happy Thanksgiving!


My Awesome Thanksgiving Traditions!

  These are my Thanksgiving traditions. I always go to my grandparent’s house for Thanksgiving. We have turkey, corn, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce either canned or homemade and mashed potatoes. For dessert we have vanilla ice cream, pumpkin pie, cheesecake and other things that I don’t really remember. My mom, grandma and my grandpa make the food. My mom ALWAYS makes a pumpkin pie. They usually do different things every year.

    This year our tradition is going to be different because my great grandma doesn’t want to come down to my grandparent’s house because she is 100 so my grandparent’s are going down to stay with her for Thanksgiving and I am going to have my first Thanksgiving at my house. Also we couldn’t have gone to my grandparent’s house anyway because there wouldn’t be enough room at the table because of my new little brother named Finn who is having his first Thanksgiving and now takes up another space at the table. So my dad is making everything this year except of course the pumpkin pie is going to be made by my mom. This is what I do for Thanksgiving.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Our Amazing School Day! Week-7 #16STUBC


    In fourth grade we have a 6 hours and 30 minutes school day. In the morning we ride the bus to school. I sit with 2 other people named Ashley and Izabella. The bus comes and picks us up in the morning at our bus stop. Usually the bus stop is right down the road. Then when the bus comes we have to scan our lanyards with a special machine to get on the bus. Then the bus either takes us to the next person’s stop or takes us to school. In my case it takes me straight to school. Then the bus driver calls breakfast for the people who eat breakfast at school and then dismisses the rest of the bus. Then we walk to our classroom.

         When the 9:00 bell rings to start the day we are ready because when we got to our classroom that morning we had gotten our computer and got out our folders. Then we do the pledge and sometimes the teacher announces things. Then we get ready for reading and go out into the hallway on the side of the classroom that we are going to at 9:10. Then when we go into our classroom our reading teacher has a intervention group and we sometimes KidBiz which is where we read articles and answer questions about it and we have to write a few paragraphs about the article or we comment on other people’s blog. Then we work on our writing prompt for the week or the Student Blog Challenge writing or commenting until 10:00.

        Then we start rotations. We have independent, direct and collaboration. In independent we work by ourselves and work on classwork, watch some videos about things such as grammar and plural nouns and if we have time we work on our homework. In direct we do things such as read stories and summarize each page to our partner or write down things such as facts and opinions, cause and effect or answer questions at the back of the book about the story. In collaboration we work on our writing prompt for the week and the Student Blog Challenge. We have 30 minute rotations. Then we write down the name of our homework and read 15 minutes and reading class is done. Then we go back into the hallway on our homeroom side and then go in and get ready for specials.

          Our specials are S.T.E.M, Art, Library, Music and Gym. S.T.E.M stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. In S.T.E.M we are working on lighting light bulbs and using ways to light them such as parallel circuits and other things like that. In art we are making weavings. We made our own looms and we are weaving with lots of colors of strings. In library we are learning about whether a website is safe or not to put some private information into it or not. In music we are learning about how to read music. In gym we play games like bucketball. Bucketball is a game where there are 2 teams and you try and throw the ball into a bucket that someone on your team is holding and you use a dodgeball.

   After specials we do science or social studies. Last week we took a test about Pennsylvania. After science or social studies we go to recess. People play things such as kickball, american football or four square. Four square is a game where there is a box with 4 squares in it and you hit a ball to each other and there are many ways to get out but it would be too long to explain. Then we eat lunch. There are many things for lunch and there are 2 choices. There are things such as nachos, mac and cheese, cheesesteak, french toast sticks and many other things. There are also sides such as broccoli, french fries, tomato soup, carrots and other things.

    Then we go to math. We do multiplication, division, subtraction and addition. Sometimes we do long division. Here is an example: 672 divided by 9 equals 74 with a remainder of 8. Sometimes we do big multiplication problems. Here is an example: 394 times 827 equals 325,838. We also do word problems like this. John had 12 apples. He gave 10 to Sally. Sally gave 4 to Nate. How many apples does Sally have now? Also once a month we take a timed test. There are 100 problems on a piece of paper with 1 page for division, multiplication, addition and subtraction. During math we go out to recess for 20 minutes. Then we come back in and do a little more math and then get ready to go make to our homeroom.

  After we go back to our homeroom we plug in our computers, get our backpacks and get ready to go back out to the buses that take us home. At 3:30 the bell rings for us to be dismissed. Then soon another even if you live far away you will be home.


Arrival, Get ready for the day.


Get ready for reading, morning work.


Intervention Groups.






Science or Social Studies.


Lunch, Recess.








Pack Up, Get ready to be dismissed, end of the school day.

Week 6- Commenting Game


I visited Molly’s Magical Blog: Then I went to Summer’s Amazing blog: Then I went to Sienna’s blog: I read Recycled Instruments because I wanted to find out how to make my own recycled instrument.

I visited Ella’s blog: Then I went to Madison’s Super Most Fantastic Soccer blog: Then I went to Mia’s blog: and read Why Was I Called Mia? I read it because I wanted to find out if Mia’s name meant anything in a different language.

I visited Phoebe’s Epicly Awesome blog: Then I visited Alice’s blog: Then I Lily’s Fantastic Fun blog: and read Reading- Harry Potter. I read it because I love reading Harry Potter books.


LuLu: The Amazing, Life Saving Pig!

LuLu: The Amazing, Life Saving Pig!

                                                  By: Maggie M. and Connor B.

This is a story about a pot-belly pig who saved her owner’s mother’s life. On the morning of August 4th 1998, the mom had suffered a heart attack. This pig was so loyal. And if it had been in a more modern time and had been recorded, well the internet would have gone CRAZY with the bravery of this pig.

The mom suddenly dropped to the floor. Lulu cried for a minute in her pig kind of way. Lulu then went outside through the door that had been  installed for the dog. She called it the doggy/piggy door. No one in a 5 house span was home. {Most likely at work.} She cried out again. Just before jumping in the air with a brilliant idea.    

She ran out onto the street and jumped up and down, waiting. No car came. She glanced to the right and laid down.The car raced over her. She was terrified and scampered back onto her front lawn. But she knew what had to be done and she went back onto the road and laid down once more. Then she saw a car coming up in her lane. It didn’t stop. It just went around the pig and honked their horn. LuLu was getting discouraged but she didn’t stop. First though she had to check on her owner.

But something else came racing down the road. It was a motorcycle! LuLu quickly laid down and the motorcycle came to a halt. The driver hopped off thinking LuLu was dead, but LuLu sprung up into the air. The driver followed her because this pig looked like she was serious. Then he went inside to find a woman lying on the ground having a heart attack. In one minute the man had dialed 911 and the next minute there was a ambulance crashing down the street towards the house.     

You will be happy to know that the woman survived. And that was all one pig. Just think of what animals can do. They can have the courage that that little pig had. Also the pig was rewarded. Can you guess what he was rewarded with? His favorite food in the world…………….. a jelly donut.

If you haven’t done so yet click on the Pig link above for 24 amazing animal stories and the LuLu link for more facts on the amazing pig LuLu.

Monarchs! Butterflies! Read All About It! Week-5


               These are a lot of interesting, exciting and true facts about monarch butterflies.

                There are lots of facts about monarch butterflies. A fact about this kind of butterfly is that they go through a 4 stage life cycle. They go from eggs to a caterpillar to a chrysalis to a butterfly. The mother butterfly usually lays her eggs where there is lots of milkweed because that is what the baby caterpillar will eat. They eat milkweed because when predators want to attack the caterpillars they taste horrible because of the milkweed. The adult butterflies suck nectar with their proboscis.

                The eggs of a butterflies and the caterpillars are endangered of ants and spiders. Adult butterflies are endangered of birds and wasps. In the spring and the summer you will find butterflies where there is lots of milkweed. In the winter you will find them at the bottom of California and in the high altitudes of Mexico because that is where they hibernate to.  Monarch butterflies hibernate in the winter because they do not like the cold.  

                 These are some fun facts about monarch butterflies. There wingspan is 3.7 inches to 4.1 inches wide. They are .72 to .25 ounces. Their lifespan is 6 to 8 months. The butterflies cannot fly if there body temperature is below 86 degrees. If it was they would warm up by sitting in the sun.   

                 These are some facts about monarch butterflies. Below are the places that I used to find this information and also where you can find more information about monarch butterflies.

Monarch Butterfly  USFWSmidwest via Compfight






                                                     fluffy, furry

                                                 loses a lot of fur

                                orange, white, soft, green eyes, awesome



                                                      fried eggs

                                                  inside yellow yolk

                                       outside white, gooey, yum

                              amazing for breakfast, good with toast


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