The titanic

Dear,Mom and Dad

My experience on the titanic



                              I was a passenger on 2nd class i slept on the second floor. My name was Emily Rose.  I  survived i ate crab and fish. We ate in a lovely dining room it was so good. I was boarded at hampton was horrible that night that it sunk i shared a room with madison george. There were warnings about ice and it but no one listened then one of the big things of ice slit open a hole and no one knew it and the captain  just kept going faster and  the messenger phillips got warnings but did not tell anyone about it. Then a whole bunch of water started coming in and then people knew that something was wrong so everyone started freaking out and people found out that water was coming in there were more than 2,000 people. And the life boats can only fill half of them then there were more water coming in. They let the mom and kids go on the boats first then young men and women went. There were 177 passengers survived the others did not survive but i did and that was the story of my life in the titanic.       

                              After that all happened i went home and when i got home i got horribly sick and i had pneumonia. The next week was when i died i was lucky that i had survived the titanic because i don’t really like water that much my grave was right next to my grandparents and from that day forward i watched over my parents. By Shalynn Davis                                                                       



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