Heart-to-Heart With Avocado

“Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.”- Sally Koch


  • What does this quote mean to you?
  • How do you help those around you?
  • What is a “small opportunity” that you have around you to help someone else that you don’t take advantage of?  Why?

I think this quote is okay. Sure…sometimes there are times when we are too wrapped up in ourselves and forget to think about what we can do to help others. Maybe if someone needs a dollar more at Trailside, you could maybe be generous and give them a dollar. I help others by helping them pick something up that they dropped, or opening the door for them down near 1st grade. Sometimes I see others needing help but I might not want to get in trouble so I would just keep walking. I know that it is important to put others first and ourselves second. The first shall be last and the last shall be first.

Avocado: Comment what you can do to be nice…

Reincarnated Lamas…

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others-Dalai Lama XIV

  • What does this quote mean to you?
  • Who is the Dalai Lama?  Do a little research and summarize who the Dalai Lama is.
  • After completing your research, why would a person like the Dalai Lama say something like this?

I don’t agree with this quote. I mean, you still help others but that is not really the main purpose in life. Helping others is like the appetizer or the pre-games in football.

Dalai Lama is currently the 14th Dalai Lama. Some people think he is the reincarnation of Thubten Gyatso wich is obviously not true because reincarnation is not possible (Christian perspective…). He came to be the Dalai Lama like this…………tension……………more tension……………..okay let’s begin. When the previous Dalai Lama dies the High Lamas look for his ‘reincarnation’. They look at boys that were born around the same time the Dalai Lama dies. It takes them two to three years to identify the next Dalai Lama. The 14 Dalai Lama actually took four years to find. The High Lamas (does anybody else laugh when they read these names?…I did….I’m still laughing…) look for signs such as smoke, dreams, and water signs. To me this just sounds like a bunch of fluff. Then they take objects to the child that had belonged to the Dalai Lama and ask him to choose a couple. If the boy chooses the previous Dalai Lama’s artifacts they then decided that he is the reincarnation.

Dalai Lama received the Nobel Peace Prize for not getting violent with the Chinese government. Now do you understand why he said that??? I do………..

Comment down below if you think he deserved the Nobel Peace Prize. I, personally, don’t have an opinion on the matter. But who cares about me??? What about you???

Hero’s Test

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” –  Christopher Reeve

Avocado: What does this quote mean to you?

Alex: Personally, this quote means a lot to me. It makes me feel like I should keep going and endure the hard times. I think that as long as I have a friend with me, I will feel encouraged to do my best and to keep striving towards my goal.

Avocado: Going back to what we discussed at the beginning of this unit, name two traits a hero should have and why they need those traits.

Alex: I think a hero should be someone who (like the quote says) finds the strength to persevere and keep going even if they fail over and over again. They should also be a role model to others. People look up to them because they did something that was admired by others. They acted courageously and heroically.

Avocado: Who in your own life do you consider a hero?  Why?

Alex: I would consider my best friend, Skye, my hero. She has always stood by me when times got rough. Ever since kindergarten, we have been the best of friends. We always help each other when the other falls. Skye is also good at looking out for her friends when they are being bullied. In fifth grade, someone was bullying me. Skye was there for me and we got through it together. She helped me up when I was in a depressing state. Without Skye, I would not be the person I am now, and nobody is ever going to get in between us, ever. 

Avocado: Wow, that was powerful.

Alex: Just get to the next question.

Avocado: Name one person from history that has the qualities of a hero?  Why would you pick that person?

Alex: I would pick President Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt was a politician as well as a naturalist. He fought to preserve the National Parks. Since I want to preserve them too, we share the same dream. He is an american icon. Roosevelt is what pushed me towards helping the parks. They share a great deal of importance in america’s history.

Hoped you guys like today’s post! And if you did, comment down below!

Being A Coward Avocado Style

“It is much easier to be brave if you do not know everything.”-Anonymous

Me: Hmmmmmmm, I don’t think I like this quote.

Avocado: Why not???

Me: You’re just a avocado, I don’t need to justify myself to you!

Avocado: Oh yeah! Let’s see about that you fiend!

Me: If you don’t be quiet I will turn you into guacamole!

Why is this quote so……………meh??? Normally when I read a quote it makes me feel better and all good and tingly in side. This one just makes me say………….meh. I think, check that, I know that if you are actually brave you keep going even if you DO know everything. In some ways, it IS easier to be brave if you don’t know everything.

                                                                    Story time with Avocado

Avocado: Once upon a time, there lived a little avocado named Avocado. He lived in the land of Avocadoland, where everyone was an avocado.

Me: Wow, surprise surprise.

Avocado: Shush up! Anyways, the land of Avocadoland was is great peril. The princess, Lady Guacamole, was captured by an evil avocado dragon. Avocado was the bravest knight of all, he immediately went to the palace to find out where the Lady was held captive. The king, King Pit, told him were she was being held, which was non other than the Dragons Evil Cave That Is Shaped Somehow Like An Avocado. Avocado didn’t waste any time, he jumped onto his mighty steed and raced off towards the cave. The king suddenly remembered one last detail, but Avocado was too far away for the king to be heard. What was that detail you may ask? It was that the dragon could breathe chips! All Avocados hate chips!

Me: I love chips.



Avocado: STOP! Oh, whatever. Anyways, Avocado rushed the dragon on his avocado horse, but suddenly stopped. The dragon drew itself up to it’s full height and it blasted chips all over Avocado. Avocado dove behind a rock, shivering in fear. Then he realized he needed to save the Lady! She could die without him! Also the fact that the king might reward him handsomely, even though he forgot to say a very important detail. He drew his sword up and stabbed dramatically at the dragon. The dragon fell, and Avocado cried victor-

Me: The end, we get it and he gave the lady a wedding ring and they all lived happily ev-

Avocado: Nope! The dragon was playing dead! He silently snuck up behind Avocado and turned him into guacamole! The End!!! Thank you thank you!

Me:……………………………………….Well, okay. At least we get the point! So, Avocado was very brave even though the king forgot to mention that last detail! Cool, next!!!

                                                                  Is This A Good Quote To Live By???

Me: I don’t think it is. Why would I want to do something without knowing what I’m getting into? I could possibly KILL myself if I lived by this quote! I remember the time when-

Avocado: All right folks thanks for stopping by my blog!

Me: This is my blog you little-

Avocado: Bye!!

Sometimes You Just Think You Can-But You Can’t

The Man Who Thinks He Can – by Walter D. Wintle


If you think you are beaten, you are;

If you think that you dare not, you don’t.

If you’d like to win, but you think you can’t,

it’s almost certain that you won’t.


If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost;

For out in the world you’ll find

Success begins with a fellow’s will –

It’s all in the state of mind.


If you think that you are out-classed, you are;

You’ve got to think high to rise.

You’ve got to be sure of yourself before

You can ever win a prize.  


Life’s battles don’t always go

to the stronger or faster man;

But sooner or later, the man who wins

is the man who thinks he can!

Question #1: What is the Theme of This Poem??? How can you tell???

Answer #1: The theme of this poem is encouragement, advice, and reality. I like to run, a lot. Before a big race, I try to encourage myself as much as I can. I tell myself “I CAN DO THIS!!!”. It’s telling you to not doubt yourself and to think you can. Because if you tell yourself you are going to fail, you have already failed by giving up in your mind. And when you give up, you don’t do things wholeheartedly, which causes you to fail! How can I tell? Well, if you try really hard to understand the poem and you really think deeply about it, you can find any poem’s theme!!!

Question #2: What is the best line or lines from the poem to support the poem’s theme? Explain how it supports the theme.

Answer #2: I think that when the author used the words ” You’ve got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize.” made me think more towards the encouragement category. It also made me think about advice and reality. It supports the theme by explaining that if you don’t believe in yourself, you are going to fail, miserably.

Question #3: Have you ever given up?  What could you have done differently to reach that goal?

Answer # 3: I must admit, I’d given up on some things. Examples: Cello, gymnastics, friends, annoying brother. But don’t do what I do!! go for it!

Please comment down below if you have any advice about this poem. Tell me what you think!-Alex