May 26

Week 9 Blog Challenge What Makes A Great Family?

In my opinion love,kindness,fighting,and playing makes a great family. A great family loves each other, and supports each other. A great family also has kindness. They all are kind to each other, and sometimes tease each other but that is just apart of being a family. In my opinion great families also fight sometimes. Everyone fights at some point.  Family also plays with each other and just has a great time together. Hope you enjoyed this post bye!

May 17

Blog Prompt 5/2

How does visual information help the reader to understand scientific and technical texts?




Visual Information help a reader by making it easier for the reader to understand things. The reader could be very confused and visual information will help the reader. Visual information will also it can help you by when you want to imagine something it helps you imagine it because it shows you.  Visual information like graphs are very useful. I always understand things when I see them in a story.

May 4

Earth FreeWrite

Alien Visitor

I am Alex! I am an Alien who is visiting Earth for the first time. I have no idea what Earth is like. I just know humans live there. Here we go!


Wow there sure is a lot of water here! Woah look at that place I see humans on a vehicle going up a high roller coaster. This place is Hershey Park! I would want to take a trip here and ride some roller coasters! Wow those trees look amazing! I am at YellowStone national park the nature here is so beautiful! The rivers that run through this place are also very interesting.  The canyons also look cool and very interesting to look at! What an amazing place!


I have visited so many amazing places here on Earth, this planet is amazing!


May 4

Week 7 Blog Challenge: Four Square

Four Square

Four square is a really fun game you can play outside or even in your garage! You just have to make four squares, and have a ball to play.  Four square, also known as downball, squareball, blockball, boxball, champ or king’s square, is a ball game played among four players on a square court divided into quadrants. It is a popular game at elementary schools with little required equipment, almost no setup, and short rounds of play that can be ended at any time.

April 18

Week 6 Blog Challenge: COOKIES!

cookieCookies are a very amazing, tasty snack to eat in America. There are many different types of cookies, my favorite is chocolate chip cookies they are so good!!! A cookie is a small, flat, sweet, baked good, usually containing flour, eggs, sugar, and either butter, cooking oil or another oil or fat. It may include other ingredients such as raisins, oats, chocolate chips or nuts.  GO BAKE COOKIES NOW!

April 12

Week 3 Blog Challenge: Your Choice RAINBOW SIX SIEGE!

Rainbow Six Siege is a really fun game that I recently got for my Xbox one. In Rainbow Six Siege you choose between operators. Operators are basically characters you choose to play as. You can be smoke,mute,sledge,thermite,ash,fuze,glaz, etc. The game is super fun you should really check it out and play it! It requires much skill and teamwork to play and win!

April 12

FreeWrite 3/11 What would you do if you were lost in a foreign country?

If I was lost in a foreign country, I would go around and see if there is anyone else who speaks English, and that foreign language. If I found someone I would ask them how to speak that foreign language. Then if they taught me I could speak to other people who speak that language and see how to get back to my country. I would also ask for food, because who knows how long you are there for it could be minutes,hours,days, or maybe years! Food and water would be key to surviving there. If they had a garden I would get food there and have healthy good, and healthy water.  That is what I would do!