April 26

new super hero

There was a new super hero come in  town and he started to help people. Heis name is flash.And flash stops crimes. Flashes power is speed. and fights bad guys.He races other super heroes.And flash watches bad guys what there up to.When flash wins he gets all good teams win.Then the hole city gets safe.Then they will go home with no trouble.And they wont get hurt anymore.


March 23

pursuit of happiness week

1 When i play nerf wars with my  friends i have fun.

2 Go shopping i have a  good time i get clothes and shoes it makes me happy.

3When my mom,and dad take me to skye zone i get happy because i have lost fun there.

4 Then i go home and get puppy i always play with it makes me happy.

5  in christmas i get happy because i get the  stuff i want it make me so happy.

November 30

five inmportant people

Five important  people i now is my DAD and my mom and sister and grandpa . Dave and my dad always take me places then my sister takes me to fair. Then my Grandpa always take me to park when i was  little.  David always treat me as a good friend my dads he always takes me place.  My sister always play Nerf guns fights .Then David he always plays with me when i was alone he makes me happy all the time. My sister takes me any fun place. Then my mom always takes me places for my  birthday then my papa takes me to Walmart. Then my friend Dave help me on work. My mom always makes me feel good about my self. Why there important is they are always nice. My dad , mom, Grandpa, Dave, sister. My sister always plays games with me and takes me to fairs. My mom and dad always take me to places to get new clothes and shoes. Then my Grandpa always plays with me in the park and they are nice. My family is always nice to me and spends lots time  with each other.

September 9

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