Committing Guidelines

There are some guidelines you have to follow to post a comment.Instead of nice blog post write a star,wish and a wonder.Hear is a short story to comment off of.

I have a duck his name is ducky.He is the best duck ever!He lives on my clean farm in the backyard.We play all day and I love it.when it gets cold I bring him inside.It is fun having a duck.You one day should  have a duck one you can care about.            THIS IS NOT A REAL STORY

O.K not the the best but it is one you can comment off of.Now to comment you need a star,wish and wonder.This is a   example of a stra a wish and a wonder

Star:I really like how you wrote about your duck

I really like how you,

I love what you wrote when,


Wish:I wish you would’ve told me if there were more ducks

I wish you would’ve told me,

I wish you would’ve added,


Wonder:I wonder what happened to the duck after that

I wonder,

I wonder what happened to,

THat is how you do a star wish and a wonder.