Mad scientist

“A few more hour and the world will be mine”.”Arianah quick pass me that beaker”. “on it boss”.


                                              Three Days Earlier


“Arianah! wake your late for school”.I go back to bed.”Are you awake”.said mom.Moms throws a pillow in head.”Ok i’ll get up no need to rush me”. “Arianah you were sleeping”.Said mom.I get dressed.The doorbell ringed.I say I will get it.I open the door to someone in a all white lab coat on.Then that person just said “is there someone named  Arianah here at the moment”.Well I said just got offered a lifetime opportunity you will get to see the famous Ansa Hayewun .my mom said “who is at the door” I replied with I don’t…That person said to say I see my ride so I did and my mom said bye then that person took me somewhere unexpected…



                             ONE DAY LATER


“Are we there yet”.I say out loud.”We are almost there”.The scientist says.Ok open your eyes!”where am I?”Good question Arianah you are at a abandon beach in california.”Wait so I just traveled across America”?Yes you can now see who I am.”okay”.I am the one and only Ansa Hayewun .”What”!”Yes and I brought you to be my trusty side kid”.”What about school and my friends and all my teachers and my mom”?!?”Oh just forget about them you don’t need them you got me now”.”Can see what I can do first¨.¨Sure First you can help me with this one thing if you want to help me with it but I can’t tell you if you don’t join me¨. OK OK I will join you now tell me what your plan is ok¨.¨First you have to go to school¨.Said Ansa.¨Before I could even say no with a snap of his fingers he made me get to school on time it was kinda weird.


                       ONE MORE DAY LATER


So I did school that was fun we were making a poster.Then I went on a bus ride it was longer than usual.Then someone came and wacked me on the head with a pan the ride was much more faster now. I went underground and I could hear the sea.Then I heard something or someone.¨HELLO¨! Said Ansa.I screamed.


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