Why Is Reading Important To Me?

Reading is important to me because, when I read I get faster and faster and when you get faster the better you are at reading. When I read sometimes I come up to a word I do not know. When I see a word I do not know I sound it out. Then when I figure the word out I get better and better at reading faster so I do not have to stop to figure out the word. When you read a book and there are a lot of words you do not know. Read the book over and over again. So when you go to read for like the 12th time you will not have to stop because you know all the words. Books like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson may or may not have words you do not know. Then you would have to sound them out. I get faster and faster every time I read. It does not even have to be the same book to read over and over again. You can read all kinds of books and still get better at sounding out the words. When you are in 2nd grade, when you get to 3rd grade they are gonna expect you to know how to read. Slow or fast you have to know how to read. Let’s say you like math way better than reading class. You love to do math problems. In order to do the math problems you need to know how to read the math problems.

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