Colabrative Blog Prompt

How does visual information help the reader to understand scientific and technical texts? If you have visual information it will help the reader to understand the text. For example if you don’t understand the layers of the crust then you can look at the diagram in the book and that should help you understand. That…

Week 7 Blog Challenge: Black Out!!

So this feels really weird writing this becasue I have not used any electric in over 6 months. It happened suddenly while I was in school doing some math problems. It was bright where I sat and out of the blue the room went dark. We had experienced many of those in a the last…

Blog Prompt 5/5

Number The stars Chapters 1-5 Q1: How does the encounter with the Nazi soldiers on the way home from school affect Annemarie? Answer: It makes Annemarie feel frightened and nervous.How we know that is becasue in the book it says “Ellen was motionless on the sidewalk, a few yards behind her.” Also it says is…

Free Write: Alien Visitor,

Come in copy. It’s Captain John from the ship x-3412. “We hear you loud and clear.” I’m ready to give you the report on the planet Earth that we’ve been studying. “Great what are some great things about Earth? Both from your ship and from the ground.” OK, there are the creatures, humans, that you…

Blog Challenge Week 6: What is Your Culture Like?

So, as you all know I am living in the U.S.A right now. There are so many different types of foods,stories, clothing, and song in all the mixed cultures. There are so many foods but here are a few. So there is hamburgers, apple pie, s’mores, New England clam chowder, meatloaf, banana split, BLT (bacon, lettuce,…

Free Write 4-1I

Q. Pretend you are a raindrop. Describe what you see and do and your adventures through the water cycle. So hello, I’m a raindrop and my name is Bob. I have been on many adventures and seen many places.  I see many things like animals, bugs, and mountains. I go through the water cycle and help…

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