what it’s like to be a 4th grader at blue ball elementary

       4th grade at blue ball

Hi I am writing this story with my partner we are writing about what it is like at blue ball elementary in 4th grade. At our school each student gets a computer and sometimes in my class we get to use virtual reality goggles, they are goggles like you are somewhere but you are actually not. When we get to school we go to our homeroom classes. Then we get on qwertytown or typing club, they are websites that we use to practice typing. Then at 9:10 we say the pledge of allegiance. Then we go to reading intervention from 9:10 to 9:40. Then we have language arts (reading) from 9:40 to 11:40 in reading we do three rotations direct, collaborative and independent. Then we go to either Gym, Art, Library, Stem or Music from 11:40 to 12:25. When we are done with specials we go back to our homerooms then we go to science or history from 12:25 to 12:55. When we are done with science or history we go to recess and lunch from 12:55 to 1:25. When we are done we go to math from 1:25 to 2:40. Then we go to our 2nd recess from 2:40 to 3:00. Then we go to our homerooms to get packed up to go home 

The 4 Wave’s

                     The 4 Wave’s

Two turtles named Zane & Larry were living in a forest when Zane left his homework on the stove when it was on. It started a raging forest fire. They tried to call 911 but the telephone lines were down. So the two turtles bought two power washers they filled them up with water and they put the raging forest fire out. When they got back home they called their best friends Bi The 4 Wave’s lly and Bob they are giraffes they celebrated by partying till they were purple when they were down partying Larry said let’s turn on the whether channel okay so they turned it on and there was a tornado so they went in the basement and played turtles monopoly. When they were done playing turtles monopoly they went outside and there was an earthquake there house was destroyed and all there stuff was gone luckily they had state farm so Larry called Jake, who’s Jake said Bob you don’t know Jake from state farm so they got a mansion but that earthquake started another raging forest fire but luckily there was a little water left so they can put it out but they couldn’t so Larry ran 3 miles to get water but you know turtles they are slow so it took like a day. Then when he got back Larry said NOT MY MANSION! He flung the water on the fire and the fire was gone. They went to there house and they invited there to cousins over named Joe and Jack they are gurtles they are half turtles half giraffe. So at Larry’s house there was Larry and Zane they are turtles, Billy and Bob they are giraffes, and Jack and Joe they are gurtles they were all partying till they were all purple. Then they all went out back and got in there pool when they came back in they played a NBA 2k17 tournament. It was Larry and Zane they were the Golden State Warriors they VS Billy and Bob they were the 76ers Billy and Bob lost 100 to 80 then Billy and Bob VS Jack and Joe they were the Cavs they won 105 to 95 so then Jack and Joe VS Larry and Zane, Larry and Zane lost 115 to 114. Larry and Zane said to them good game. Then everybody went home and the the two gurtles went to there house and there mad scientist named Owen created a girgurtle it is half giraffe half turtle and half gurtle.

Persuasive letter

Dear Mr.Mccaskey We think there should be electronics at lunch because you might need to contact  your parents at lunch. Also a lot of people get done with lunch very early, and it will help with the loudness in the cafeteria. If you forgot your lunch box you can contact your parents, and the kids won’t be messing around now. They will get less in trouble. Also kids won’t be wandering all around the cafeteria. Also kids won’t go to other classes tables and talking to there friends.

                                     By: Kailyn and Nathan  

What I’m Thankful For

I’m thankful for many things but I got the top three here’s

the three.The first thing is my friends. The second thing is my family. The last one is to live in a free country. I’m thankful for my family because they love me, and they care about me and they give me shelter, they also give me someone to talk to.              

I’m thankful to live in a free country because. I would not like someone bossing me around because. I like to do my own things. I also would like to take a nap every now and then. Anyway I don’t what to do something for someone because some people are picky.

I’m thankful for my friends because they give me someone to play with. They help me  not be bored out of my mind. They want to play with me and do stuff with me. They also give me someone to talk to too. My friends care about me wen I get hurt.

The first I’m thankful for is my family. The second thing I’m thankful for is to live in a free country. The third thing I’m thankful for is my friends.

                  By Nathan  

Fact’s about tigers

Tigers is the world’s largest cat’s.  stripes help them to blend in. Tigers

have huge k-9 teeth and incredibly powerful jaws.Tigers in the wild eat deer and pig. But at the zoo they eat meats and dairy from their zoo keepers. They have really big paws and their really strong. It helps them run faster. Tigers hunt their pray alone.

                        Excited \ endangered

There is a tiger that is going to be excited. Called the Sumatran scientists worry that the. Sumatran will be excited in 2020.Tigers homes are being destroyed because people are putting roads and buildings and towns, and tigers are being hunted and killed for furnace and claws. 

By Kailyn and by Nathan   

This information came from Discovery Education.com

Need fact’s about Tigers this is one place to look.

Our ELA class Goals

I hope to become a better speller because I’m not that good so I hope I improve.  I’m going to practice my words at home.

One of my Goals is to talk to people around the world to see how they live.

I also want to become a better reader because I can’t read that well.