Bobby Joe part two

Owen and Bobby Joe still had no luck finding their way out. Owen said “it looks like there’s going to be a thunderstorm”Bobby joe said “I don’t think are tree house can take the storm.” well we better be prepared they both started patching holes and other unsturdy parts. They’re both wondering if the tree house will make it. In the storm a piece of paper blew and hit the tree house and it knocked it down and the piece the tree house fell on Bobby joe and he sprained his leg. Then Owen yelled BOBBY JOE ARE YOU OKAY? NO!! Yelled Bobby joe. Owen yelled WAIT THERE I AM COMING TO GET YOU!! Bobby joe yelled OKAY!! So Owen went to save Bobby joe but when he got there Bobby Joe was starving and so was Owen so they both went to get something to eat but there was nothing so it was a life decision for Bobby joe and Owen. it was eat or be eaten DONE DONE DONE. But they found a leaf that had a sickness in it but they did not now. So they got really sick and they went to go find water and Bobby joe found some and yelled in Owen’s face I FOUND SOME WATER WE CAN DRINK so they drank some and they turned into superheroes. Owen’s superpower he can turn into a turtle. Bobby joe’s superpower was he could fly, and they heard someone coming and Owen got scared and turned into a turtle and Bobby joe could also turn into a giraffe so he did that and then he just acted normal and ate leafs off the trees. Bobby joe did not know who the person was so he charged at him the person screamed AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! And Bobby joe knocked him out cold they turned back to normal and they dragged the person and put him in a lake. So it turned into fresh water, And then after they did that Owen grabbed on to Bobby joe and they flew home. To be continued

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