Mrs. Noyes’ Math

Feb. 19, 2019

Here is a link to a video showing a “trick” for figuring out x 9 facts.


This week we began our unit on Multiplication with factors 6,7,8, and 9. Students will learn and practice using several strategies to solve multiplication and division problems: drawing arrays, building equal groups, repeated addition, and skip counting. These multiplication facts are harder to memorize. Please provide opportunities for your child to continue to practice multiplication facts at home. We began using a program called Reflex Math, an interactive game-style website for learning math facts. This is a program that students may access from home. The sooner they become fluent with math facts, the easier applying the math to situations will become. See the parent paper sent home for directions to access Reflex Math.

Not only do students need to know how to multiply, but they also will work on understanding when to multiply. We will practice using multiplication to solve various word problems. Students should always draw a representation (an array, equal groups, repeated addition) to show their thinking. When they show their thinking, they can more easily make sense of the question. Also, if there is a mistake, we can see where the mistake happened and help them fix it.

Students will continue to review and practice adding, subtracting, and using place value; measuring with rulers and clocks, and counting money; and fraction concepts.

As we proceed through these next weeks, Miss Saienni will continue to co-plan and co-teach with me. She will assume more responsibility in the classroom each week though mid-March. After her 7 weeks with our class, she will continue her learning in Ms. Kostecki’s room until her graduation in May.


We had an excellent first week and are looking forward to a great year of learning in 3rd grade math. This week we are beginning our normal schedule and getting to know each other. We have the benefit of welcoming Millersville Student Teacher Miss Saienni to our class this year. Grade 3 Unit 1 is Multiplying by 0,1,2,3,4,5,10. We will learn how multiplication works by using repeated addition, drawing arrays, and equal groups. We will practice facts with skip-counting routines, songs, and flashcards with the goal of memorizing our multiplication facts. When we have them memorized, it will make all future work with multiplication easier.

Our focus is to develop accuracy and confidence in working with numbers while we learn multiplication facts. Along with the actual math and problem-solving skills, we are teaching the value of making mistakes in learning and the importance of a positive attitude. Please help us by encouraging their positive efforts. I have attached information on how to access three math programs we use in school, and students are welcome to log on from home for additional practice. XtraMath provides practice with basic facts…repetition is key to memorization, and memorization frees up working memory for doing more complex math. ST Math is a visual-spatial program to develop understanding of math concepts. IXL provides skill-specific practice.


Students will have a small amount of homework each evening to practice math skills. Often, the homework will be in the form of a short worksheet, a game, or fun activity. Grade 3 homework        (over ->)


should take no more than a total of 30 minutes per night. If the math work is taking more than 15 minutes for your child, please write me a note so we can come up with a solution. Grade 3 homework should be a time to “show off” what they have learned, and build confidence, not a huge struggle. 2 minutes of their homework time should be spent memorizing math facts. They may use a computer game like XtraMath or an app that you like. They may use flashcards, or regular cards/dice to add, subtract, or multiply.

Students are working on the routines of copying assignments into their agenda planner and putting the paper in the “Return to School” pocket of their colored Team Folder. Please help your child learn the habit of checking their agenda for assignments, completing homework, and returning it each day in the folder.


You will also find a “Reward Chart” in the back pocket of their Team Folder. Please look at this daily to see how your child demonstrated good learner behaviors in Math class and praise them for those. On Fridays, please initial the box for the week. Students are eager to show good behaviors when they know their parents and teachers are communicating.

On Fridays, I will have a “Math Show and Tell” time. Students may bring an object or photo of something that shows the math concept of the week. We also plan to have “Fun Friday” at the end of class.  Fun Friday is a reward time for good behavior and good work habits. During this time, students will get to choose from several math-related games to play.  If they have not earned Fun Friday, they will complete any work that was not completed during the week and make a plan with the teachers to be able to earn Fun Friday the next week.

Please feel free to write, call, or email with questions:

Mrs. Noyes 354-1525 ext.8107

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