The Big Read 2020

The 2020 Big Read is…

Charlotte’s Web by E.B.White


We are so excited to begin our 5th Blue Ball Elementary Big Read program!  Follow along with the schedule on your bookmark; read the chapter at home with your family or listen to our guest readers on the Big Read Blog.

The Big Read 2020 Recordings

Be ready to answer the trivia question at school and have a chance to win a prize.

Each morning, 1 multiple choice question will be read on the morning announcements.  Learners in 3rd through 6th grade will answer on the Big Read Google Classroom. K-2 learners will answer on paper. Be sure to include their first and last name. Bring these answer sheets to the library. The next morning, one winner from K-2 and one winner from 3-6 will be announced and should come to the library to pick their prize.

Come out with your family on  April 3rd at 6:30pm for a special movie presentation of Charlotte’s Web. Light refreshments will be provided, all you need to bring is your family and some blankets and pillows to get cozy with! We hope you will join us!

Kick Off Assembly! March 6th at 2:45pm