WW II VR Expedition

Name: Mae B.

Expedition Name Text Title
World War II Navajo Code Talkers

What do you SEE?

(Describe what you see using WOW words)

#1.I saw a huge, white, machine thing (or was it a building?) from the deck of the U.S.S. Missouri.  I saw the beautiful shiny ocean.  #2.I saw huge explosions, out on sea, an airship (in my face!!),  a melancholy  scene of destruction, and, last of all, horror! (Duhn duhn duhn!)

What do you THINK?

(As you are experiencing VR tell your audience in detail what you are thinking using sequence words. First, Next, Last)

In the text it described a devastating event: the attack of Pearl Harbor.  In the VR, though, you could actually see, almost feel the sadness and excitement in the air, and at first, all I could think about  was the revenge the U.S. could get.  Then I focused my attention on the Navajos that would read about this in the newspaper and eventually be forced into war themselves.  Next, I decided that when I grew up I would stay away from Hawaii.(no offense, Hawaiians)

What do you WONDER?

(During your expedition what are you wondering about? What questions come to your mind?)

Will the Japanese bomb us if a World War III happens?  Will a World War III happen?

Adapted from Veronica Vox Mansilla @ProjectZeroHGSE

Text Connections

What did you SEE in the Expedition that you can CONNECT to the text?

(Be sure to cite specific examples from the expedition and the text)

I saw the attack of Pearl Harbor, and in the text it of the

devastating event that took place, of the thousands of people

that died, and most of the sadness.  I saw all that through VR.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

What do you still WONDER after experiencing the Expedition and reading the text?

(Write a reflection to extend your thinking i.e. What are you still curious about? What more do you want to know?)

Will the M.C. use the Navajo code again?

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