Washington DC

My favorite part of Washington DC was the Natural History Museum. I liked it because you get to see all the really cool gems. My favorite gem had a bunch of different blue colors. It sort of looked rubbing alcohol tie-dye. I thought it looked really cool. Also, I got to hold a cockroach! You got to see all these really huge spiders and a bunch of stuffed animals. After that, head over to the ocean part where you can see a huge great white shark jaw!  You should so visit Washington DC, I had so much fun I didn’t want to leave. Why? You’ll absolutely love it because all the people loved it even though they aren’t into that kind of stuff. Go visit soon!

Recycle or not to recycle

Do you think recycling is good or bad? I don’t really have an opinion on this topic because the article have good reasons like, the costs of recycling process is almost outweighing the benefits. In the article “PRO/CON: Should we throw away the recycling program?” the pro side states, “The truth, however is the that the cost of the recycling process almost outweighs the benefits”. This means that recycling costs to much.In the same article but on the con side it says, “We dump far more trash than we need to into landfills. The amount of trash produced annually in the United States has tripled since 1960”. This means that we need to recycle because it cuts down our waste we have in our landfills. That is my opinion about if we should recycle or not recycle.

Ways I can help in my community

The ways I can help in the next 8 hours is, getting an education following the laws, respecting others and staying informed. Ways I can help in the next 8 days are, get an education, respecting others, speaking my mind, and following the laws. The ways I can help in the next 8 months are, getting an education, following the  laws, respecting others and paying taxes. Ways I can help in the next 8 years are, Speaking my mind, military service, getting an education, jury duty, staying informed, paying taxes, community service, voting, respecting others, and following the laws. That is all the ways I can help.